So work is going well. I feel like I'm bringing home work every night. No, I'm not getting paid overtime, but I just have SO much to do and no-brainer tasks (organization of paperwork) and the like are getting in my way. So until I can get caught up on things that HAVE to be done during the day, homework is my fate. Although I'm trying to avoid bringing much since I don't have much longer with Erik home. After that, I'm sure I'll be glad to have extra work to fill my evenings (although in theory I should be caught up by then... God willing).
I got my first pay check today - YAY!! AND as a bonus for bringing home work all the time, I decided I needed a new tote. I wanted a leather one initially, but I decided I'd save some money and just get a new Vera Bag. I'm pretty stoked. I was going to post a link for you to look at it, but I can't without showing the price, and thats weird. I'm pissed now though. I thought I was getting a great deal at the PX and it's on sale on the VeraBradley website. I paid $12 more than necessary! Although, I guess shipping to paradise would have made up for the savings... Either way, AAFES is falling down on the job. Gas is cheaper in town than on post today (BTW, we're BELOW $4/gallon for the first time since we got here!)
Okay, so since Erik is going to be leaving soon, you won't get many updates out of me before then. BUT I don't want to leaving you hanging - so I've saved the best for last! Pictures of our trip to Massachusetts! No, I do not recommend flying across the freakin' world for a weekend (okay, so it might not have been that long but damn it felt like it!) but for the most part a great time was had.
Here we go! Oh. Have we talked about how blogger is gay and won't let me put the pictures in the places I want, in the order I want? I'm lucky I can put damn captions in. I miss xanga.
So here's Pat and Ken dancing. You can see Erik and I in the back ground. I think it's fun.

The gang. Minus the bride and groom. Where were they!?

Erik and I dancing.

So rewind back to the rehearsal dinner - Erik and I and Dave and Vicki bought matching Hawaiian outfits. This is the worst picture ever, but at least you get the idea. And yes, the bride and groom got their own matching outfits also.

Erik and I infront of the pumpkin fountain. Look over here, buddy! Maybe Ken has a better one.

The fam infront of the pumpkin fountain. I guess it was more of a waterfall that they had turned off and decorated for autumn. I miss autumn.

This was Lori, Vic and I before the wedding. Lori and I had recently purchased the largest sunglasses we could find.

Oh, and now we're back to the reception. Here's me and Lori. I HEART her!

So that's that. I'm off for Itallian Deliciousness with Erik, Rich and Melissa. Got to get all the good eatin' in before the boys leave!