absolutely adores all his grandparents, but I've always felt that he has a special bond with my mom. Even when he was teeny tiny and she'd come to Hawaii for a visit, he always seemed to know exactly who she was. She is the one who brought us home from the hospital after he was born and stayed with us, helping me with G while Erik was away for the first two weeks of G's life (don't get me started on the reason for this. The Army is *still* on my list for doing that to us.). She cooked for us, cleaned, snuggled, and when G would wake up in the middle of the night to nurse, my mom would then rock him back to sleep. She never batted an eyelash when I woke her up to rock him so I could get some rest. She was so happy to see him - even at 3AM! I've said it a thousand times - THAT is the best gift someone can give a mom with a newborn!
So my mom was here last week for a visit and I'm dead serious when I tell you that she only brought 2 outfits and some jammies because the rest of her suitcase was full of presents for the kids. Among other things, she brought G a cape and mask - and literally as soon as G got his "outfit" on, he took of running saying "zoom zoom!" and calling himself Superman. I have NO idea where he learned that, but I have to say - few things in the world are cuter than a little boy in a cape. I wish I had better pictures, but it's pretty much impossible to get good pictures of my sweet little moving target. Grant and Grammie played outside for hours each day, playing soccer, baseball, hockey, chalks, planes, trucks, running, walking and petting every dog that cruised past our house (G is on a first name basis with all of them).
Grammie (usually pronounced "Graw-mie," and occasionally still "Plane" since she comes on a plane) joined us for music class, where G was a little too excited and didn't want to participate because he preferred to sit with Grams. It was sweet, but a little irritating to mean old mom. And afterward, G batted his eyelashes and Grammie bought him a stuffed crab from a local department store. G calls it "Crabby" (he named it on his own!) and likes to take it everywhere. It's the first time he's really been attached to an animal, especially enough to give it a name. It's a cute crab, but a tiny bit creepy with his big eyes - and I think G notices it too, because he only gets to sleep in G's bed every couple of days. Otherwise, he has to spend the night tucked in on G's rocker.
Of course, after the visiting grandparent leaves there is a 2 week recovery period for G. He is so used to the grandparents jumping when he says jump that he is furious when Mom and Dad don't do the same. Erik and I call it "Grandparent Naughty," but we're happy they're all so much closer and can see him so often - so it's (mostly, haha!) worth it. Each time the grandparents leave, they all say they are in need of a vacation from their vacation - and I can absolutely understand why - Grant keeps them on their toes!
Big G and Little G |