"They're yours, and then they're the worlds." - Rob Lowe
This week, G started pre-school. Our church was starting a new program and the timing just seemed right. He and I need a break from each other. I was (am) the problem. My patience is thin. I'm harder on him than I should be. He seems so much bigger now than he did six months ago, and sometimes (very often) I forget that he's only (barely) three. I don't want this to become our ordinary, so I decided we needed a break. "It's not you, it's me," except for really, it is.
And though I knew we needed this break, and that he will have to grow up eventually, it didn't stop my heart from breaking knowing it was time to shove him out of the nest. At least that's how I felt.
The night before school started I remember thinking that the days of not having school constraints were over. Forever. Yes, there will be summer vacations, but it'll never quite be the same. From now until he leaves our home, we have to share him. It seems strange to me that you only get three or four short years to load your kid up on love and confidence and fun and strength before you have to send him or her out into the world and hope it doesn't destroy those things. This week, my sweet baby experienced the first first day of the rest of his life. There will be many of these, of course, but this was the first one.0
For weeks we've been discussing school, and for weeks he's been saying he's "nervous" about all the other kids. Luckily, it's a new program and so far it's just him and one other kid. They have an absolute blast and each time (three, thus far) I've picked him up he's screamed "NOOOOOOO!" or hidden under a table.
So I guess he likes it.
And so do I. It's nice to have time with just Piper. I thought I'd get more done around here while he was gone, but as it turns out, having one kid instead of two is no less time consuming, it's just that the time is less hectic. So... I've pretty much just done laundry. But I'll get better. Maybe.
Well, and I did shovel (half) the driveway today! So that's not nothin'...
Anyway, here are a few pics from my sweet baby's first day of school! Erik couldn't join us for drop off because he had to be at work super early, but I'm proud to report there were no tears! Despite the fact G said "Sorry I don't need you anymore Mommy," on the first day.
Pleas excuse the most horrific wallpaper on the planet. |
Ready to play! |