You probably don't know this unless I talk to you often, but about 4 weeks ago I fell down
our stairs while carrying a huge basket of laundry (thank God it wasn't a kid) and really, really hurt my tailbone and back. Honestly, after it happened, I must have laid on the floor moaning for a few minutes before trying to crawl back up the stairs to my concerned babies. I even called Erik to come home early, which, when your husband works 30 minutes away and can't "hurry" while wrapping things up, is kind of moot, but I digress. I sat on and slept with a bag of frozen veggies for days and days, and was taking as much Motrin as I could feel good about. Just when I was starting to worry I had really done something worse than bruise my tailbone (which takes quite awhile to heal) I started to feel better. It still hurts, but it's not excruciatingly painful to get up and down anymore (don't even ask me how terrible it was to rock P every night). Seriously, the injury and recovery was worse than labor, delivery and recovery with Piper. I was HURT. Couple that with the constant sickness running through our house, and I haven't worked out in FOREVER because I can't take sick kids to the Y. But today I decided to get back on the wagon because I am desperate to get this family back on a routine. I didn't have time to go to the gym before the child care hours were over, so I plugged in my Jillian Michaels DVD and got to work. Of course, right as the credits started, the kids woke up from their naps. So I told Grant he could join me. Now, I've had some great work out partners in my day, but no one compares to the antics of little G. Laughing at him made the time FLY by.
I couldn't very well snap any photos while we were "working out," so I had him recreate some of the better poses afterward so I could grab a pic. However, I couldn't recreate the fact that EVERY.SINGLE time I did push-ups, G crawled up under me. I told him to lay flat on the floor and not raise his head. Shock of shocks, he listened and I didn't get a fat lip from pushing-up over a toddler. Though the efficacy of said push-up is definitely in question...
Every time Jillian would do her pep talks "I know this is hard, but..." G would agree. "This is hard mom, but just a little longer!" Haha!
Also, apparently jumping jacks give my sweet little G gas. Serious gas. You're welcome, future Grant.
Crunches! |
This was supposed to be a Jumping Jack, but it looks more like Jazz Hands. |
Punches. |
Please be sure to note that work out gear! |
And the second it was over, he immediately proclaimed that he wanted a snack.
Oh, and Piper just whined the whole time because she was on Tummy Time.