So in case you didn't get the memo (which you wouldn't have because I'm a delinquent poster), we're moving to... Hawaii. Thrilled, I am not. Just because I'm a little overwhelmed by the prospect of putting every thing I own on a ship and sending it across an ocean (my friends and family all know how I feel about boating anyway!) and then there are the INSANE requirements for getting your dog on the island - requirements that are going to cause us to have to leave Baxter behind to live with my parents until Summer. Erik is pleased though, and for that I'm happy. I'll be happy wherever we are as long as we're together. Nothing is better than exploring the world with your husband.
And it helps that I have a friend coming along. A guy Erik is in class with and his wife (who were actually at Drum the same time we were but we never met) got the same assignment we did. She's fun and broke up with her BFF around the same time I did (for remarkably similar reasons) AND we seem to have a lot in common. So we like to joke we're working on our BFF status. Truthfully, I'd be concernicus if the other couple wasn't coming along to Hawaii - having a female friend already in the picture will help make those awkward-mandatory-fun/social functions a little less awkward, and when the innevitable second deployment looms it's ugly head, I'll have a friend nearby. Plus, Ichi is coming too. We should be able to claim that kid on our taxes by now.
So that's what I've got for now. I'll try to get better about posting - remember I was slow starting on the xanga too, and just think of the magic I created on there!!
Isn't blogging fun!? I started one for Aaron and I too. Hawaii sounds great! Plus you get the added bonus of having Ichi! We should find out by Christmas where we are going. I am keeping my fingers crossed it isn't Polk or Drum but we will see!