So work is going well. I'm through training and I'll be in my office (re: cubicle) tomorrow, all by my lonesome. I think I'll be okay though - today I was SUPER busy in another office, so I learned a LOT! For those of you who don't know, here's the breakdown of what I do: The state of Hawaii only allows cizens to be on "assistance" for 5 years. After 5 years you are done. No loop hole, no moving to another state, NOTHING, you are on your own. Well, in order to keep their assistance (and hopefully become self sufficient) the state has a program in which they partner with community business and agree to reiburse wages ($7.25/hour plus 50 cents for every dollar on top of that) in return for the employer hiring one of our clients (who may or may not be reliable/willing/experienced), with the idea that the employee will receive the training they need to do the job. That's where I come in. Basically I match the clients with the jobs they like and try to make them fit. If they don't fit, I find something else. If the employee won't work, I recommend that they get their benefits taken away. Basically I'm a social worker without a license, but technically I don't work for the state so I get paid better! ;) It's fun, but my GOD it's a lot of paperwork and record keeping. Luckily I'm crazy anal enough to almost enjoy that sort of thing.
So in a few days Erik and I take off for Massachusetts to see some folks and attend a wedding before d-day. I'm really looking forward to it. I miss having Dave and Vicki around! But truthfully I'm dreading watching Erik say goodbye to everyone. I hate goodbyes, even when they're not my own.
So do you watch the Houston Animal Cops? If you don't, don't start. If you do, you know our plight. We watch it A LOT and each time we look at eachother and say "I want another dog", and we found one online too - at the MAUI SPCA. Erik was FULLY ready to ferry to Maui and back on Saturday to "interview" him with Bax and go pick him up (his name is Harry, but I was pusshing to change it to Kevin) but when I emailed, he already had a home. :( You'd think we'd have learned our lesson of adopting from the SPCA the first time... Maybe instead of adopting another dog with only one "parent" home, we should just donate.
Oh! And now some pictures from our visit with Dave and Vicki (and Maui!!). They are in no particular order because I can't really figure out how to get blogger to do what I want it to to do.
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