Saturday, December 20, 2008

A day of surprises!

So there I was, minding my own business, arriving home from having brunch at Carmens when I got to my street and there was a strange van parked infront of my house, literally blocking my driveway. Luckily, my brain didn't even think to go to that terrible place many wives of deployed soldiers would go to - I think I was too annoyed, this has happened before (plus it was a super crappy van with a Jesus Rocks sticker on the back - I don't think the Army has Jesus Rocks stickers on its vehicles). Anyway, I get out to go investigate, ready to go door to door to figure out what jerk parked his huge van infront of my driveway, and thats when I noticed him - the man on my porch, with flowers! Pictures of those later though, I'm feeling a bit lazy at the moment. There was also a Christmas package on my porch! YAY!

AND I got some pictures from Erik!

The first one is Erik in front of a mosque.

E at the LZ

And finally, the USO tour came to visit his patrol base this week - this pictures is of him greeting Louis Black (the comedian) - he's yelling over the noise of the helicoptor. Interestingly, Louis Black did a show at my college a few years ago. Being that Southwestern is in the bible belt, most people walked out. Heh. Also on the USO tour were Kellie Pickler and Kid Rock.

So that's that. Christmas blog SOOON!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, for pic of the hubby! There is nothing better than being able to see them no matter how many times you hear their voice!
