When Andrea and Scott were here they discovered an ant in my flour and they dumped it. Ants and roaches are a problem here, I seem to only have the former so I try not to complain. Anyway, I decided I'd order some of those old school tupperware canisters like my Mima used to have, those would definitely keep ants out.
>>>>>Fast Forward Here>>>>>
Yesterday I was minding my business in my cubicle when I started craving one of those Christmas tree Little Debbie pies. You know the ones, with the white frosting, red drizzle and green sprinkles? As you can see, I remember them fondly even though I haven't had one in as long as I can remember.
So I get up from my desk, collect my things, and since I need to go to Borders anyway, I decide to cruse by KMart (which is next door) to see if they have any Little Debbies (I knew I wouldn't get the Christmas ones in March so I decided I'd look for fancy cakes - they're the same, just no sprinkles or red drizzle, and no Christmas tree shape... Well you get the point). Anyway, there were none to be found at KMart, then I went to 2 grocery stores - STILL nothing. Finally, I go to a gas station and they have oatmeal cream pies but no fancy cakes. And when I asked for the fancy cake specifically the lady looked like I was talking Greek. Whatever, I accepted my lot, got a nutrigrain bar and moved on with my day. All the while thinking "How does this stupid rock not have fancy cakes?! This place is RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!"
So then I get home and notice a box on my porch. Part of my tupperware order has arrived!
And it was shipped in a Little Debbie box.
If you REALLY want them let me know :) I'd be happy to send them.