It's hard to believe that my sweet little G is already two! It seems like only yesterday he came screaming into my life. (Wait, pretty sure those screams were mine. Kidding. There was - remarkably - no screaming from anyone except the L&D nurse who was bound and damn determined to have me push out that 9.7 lb Thanksgiving turkey in 1 hour flat; though to her credit, she stayed late after her shift until the job was done.)
His short, but big life has been a whirlwind. He's traveled, he said goodbyes, he said hellos, he traveled some more. The kid has been to like 17 states or something insane like that - I think I was about 20 before I hit that mark. And 3 Hawaiian islands, of course, and I was WAYY older than 20 when I checked that block.
So for his birthday, or a few days late as it were, I was planning to offer up the 2 supremely awesome things about little G. Once I got here though, I realized I can't narrow it down to just two; but for the sake of my newly acquired readers (hey guys!), I decided I'll cap it at 5.
1. This kid makes a joyful nose. He laughs, he plays, he scampers, he clip-clops, and sometimes he screams like he's being torn limb from limb. Although I like the last one the least, that noise, like all his others, are uniquely G.
2. He is about 354,687,435,768,465,764 times more patient than I am. And about that much more charismatic than I am, as well.
3. He gives the sweetest kisses I have ever gotten. Sorry Erik.
4. The kid loves his trucks.
5. He eats whatever I put in front of him. Prime rib, creme brulee, sushi, bruschetta, quiche, or kale, he eats it. A lot of it. He is truly the easiest kid ever.
Happy birthday, sweet boy. You make the world a better place just by being in it!
Side note, if you don't have a close friend whose a photographer, you're missing out. If not for mine, 3 of these photos would not exist. I'll let you go ahead and guess which three. ;)
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