They say things happen in 3's.
I don't know if I can confirm or deny that, but what I do know is that it takes me repeating myself at least 3 times before G even gives my request a thought - and by then I'm teetering on the edge of losing my cool (which happens way too quickly these). Between him and the dogs, I feel like all I ever do is repeat myself.
"Don't sit on the dog," "Don't hit the dog," "Don't throw" "Don't scream like someone is tearing you limb from limb just because you didn't get your way," "Move on, G," "Don't chew on that, it's a dog toy," "Don't move, you're in time-out," "Don't move, you're STILL in time-out!" and my personal favorite "Get your feet off the table while you eat!"
Then there's the dogs: "Dogs, get away from G while he eats", "Go outside!" "Move on, dogs!", "SAMMY! Come inside!!!", "Don't chew on that, it's a baby toy!", "Who pooped on the floor?!" (okay, this could go both ways...)
I've tried yelling, I've tried speaking rationally, I've tried whispering, all to no avail. Parenting failures happen in infinite multiples. Please, terrible twos, go easy on me.

Just to warn you, we have found the 3's to be a little worse. It's 2...with intent! :) That being said, the 'bad days' seem to be getting fewer and farther between as the little guy gets older. Fingers crossed it is the same for you!