Monday, April 29, 2013

Grant "Do Chalks"

Oh man, so much has been going on around here.

We had a whole slew of family in two weekends ago because we finally got g baptized. It was fun, but I think it took everyone a week to recover. We had 9 people in town to celebrate (luckily this little town of ours has a hotel), and we had a great time, but we all agreed it was pretty much chaos - especially come meal time. We didn't even have enough room at the big table so two adults had to sit a the kid table, while both the kids sat in high chairs. Haha!

Anyway, prior to all that insanity, on April 15, we had our first legitimately sunny day. Shorts weather, even! Don't be fooled though - 5 days later it snowed all day. But luckily we took advantage of the sun and G and I went out after nap and he learned to "do chalks" as he calls it.




This one is probably my favorite. He's always trying to carry too much. Sometimes he even has to use the crook of his neck to help hold everything. Plus I just think his tiny hands are the cutest little things on the planet.
The whole time he was coloring, I was snapping away on my camera. He very rarely poses for me, and when he does it's for .3486435456 of a second, so I don't often get very good pics of him. Finally after harassing him for a pose one too many times he said "No pictures, mama," so I stopped. At the end of his coloring he said "PICTURE!" and laid down next to his art - goofy smile and all.

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