So here's what happened in April:
Piper got booted out of our room. We didn't want to buy a second crib, but I finally got fed up and bought one, and then like a month later Erik found a spare 5 minutes to put it together. I thought it was going to be a rough few nights, but she has done great in there! I really think she was getting too big for the co-sleeper and would hit the sides with her arms and wake up (she finally stopped requiring a swaddle to sleep this month, too!)
And she started rolling. We had grandmas here for 2 weeks in late-March early-April and they took it upon themselves to put her through rolling boot camp. She's a pro now.
She also stopped nursing.
We went to Bismarck for Easter where G got to sit on his Great Uncle Jim's motorcycle. AND meet his extended family on Erik's side.

G participated in Crazy Hair day at school, and I found out from Erik that I don't know a dang thing about spiking hair, but apparently he does. Which seemed foreign to me, but I guess that's because I've only known "Army" Erik.

I discovered that having the great big washer and dryer is only helpful when it's time to wash the clothes. It makes folding them about 10x more daunting. This is two loads, people.
G got to wear shorts. Once.
It was warm-ish, so we did chalks outside. This is what G asked me to draw:

It snowed a few days later.

"This is my facebook." -G.

G (as I'm feeding P some avocado): Mom, can I have some of Pipey's taco?
S: What? Oh. No, it's her supper.
G: Oh. Can I just lick off what's on her face, then? It's just extra.
Erik to Grant: What's for supper?
G: ....
S: You know what we're having! You just told Grandma Pat. What did you tell her I was making?
G: Oh! We having scraps.
"Can you take a picture of me and the Earth getting a drink together?"

G: What's a knight?
S: Do you mean person knight or bedtime night?
G: Person knight.
S: Knights were soldiers back in the time of kings and queens.
G: Oh, so like during Shrek.
S: I guess, but you know Shrek isn't real, right?
G: ....
This has become downright tropical.
These two started taking baths together which makes my life infinitely easier!
This happened.
Love this kid!
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