Thursday, October 27, 2016

Delicate Snowflakes

Grant plays two to three seasons of soccer a year, either on post or through the local Y. He loves it, and fortunately his growth has begun to level off so we have been able to reuse the same cleats and shin guards for several seasons thus making each season a relatively small investment. 

I admit that sometimes I get SO sick of living at soccer fields (alone, because Erik usually works until about 6:30 these days), but I just remind myself that this is why I stay home. And Grant is truly a good player and I'd like to cultivate that. Because despite my Oklahoma upbringing, no child of mine will be playing football.

ANYWAY... I shared all that to provide a frame of reference: we have played on a lot of soccer teams. And the team we're on now is hands down the least cohesive team I've ever encountered. This is a team whose players bicker and push during practices. That argues over whose hand should be on top in the team huddle. It. Is. Ridiculous. The team just can't seem to gel.

So imagine my surprise when it was suggested that ON TOP OF THE MEDALS given by the organization at the end of the season, the "Team Mom" wanted all of us to pony up for trophies. To be awarded at the "team party." Say what? These kids can't even get along! Why the heck do they need TWO awards AND a party???!!! Is this a thing we're doing now? Because we're on like our 5th or 6th season of soccer and we haven't encountered this before.

This, by the way, is on top of the $5 fee to put your kids name on his shirt (which we didn't do because I'm weird about monogramming my kids things), and team pics and then a suggested $10 donation to the team gift for the coach. 12 kids at $5-$10 each. For some kind of plaque with the team pic and an inscription. You guys. I'm pretty sure the team mom just has a friend in the trophy shop. A Starbucks GC would totally be sufficient. But I digress.

Is everyone this excessive, and I'm just behind? I know I'm cheap, and I own that, but this isn't about money. Its about not teaching my kid that he deserves two freaking trophies simply for fulfilling his obligation to a team he signed up for. They are a team of good players but THEY DONT EVEN KEEP SCORE. So it's not even as though they're ... Oh, say... Award winning.

By and large, I'm all about making every day things special for kids- I make Benton lunches for God's sake!!- but two freaking trophies is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. And does anyone think this coach really wants a plaque from a hell-raising team that she coached for nine weeks? Is this Pinterests influence? Why must everything be SO EXCESSIVE??!! I signed up for a $30 season of soccer with gear we already had. I'm more than $75 deep at this point. If folks could just stop spending my money for me, that would be greaaaat.

I lovingly move The Elf every Christmas season, and we celebrate good grades (or even just Fridays) with ice cream, but it is my opinion that playing a team sport is it's own reward - SO many lessons are learned through team play- we needn't pad the experience with personalized outfits (by the way, no one actually puts their kids names on uniforms anymore - it was all nicknames.), parties, extra trophies and goodie bags after every game. Am I just being cheap/cranky/pragmatic? Lay it on me.

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