Saturday, January 14, 2017

6 Years Old!

Six years ago, the sweetest little blonde-haired boy CREPT (and I do mean CREPT - 90 minutes of pushing!) onto the scene.

But he was bright-eyed and smart, even back then. He stayed awake (and quiet!) for almost 2 hours after he was born, just taking it all in.

And now he's SIX today.


I find it so hard to believe that I've been a mom for SIX years. Although, I think I only got it together about 4 years ago. Ha!

So in honor of Grant's birthday, here are six things I love about him!

1. He is SO FUNNY! The things that come out of that kids mouth are hysterical.
2. He loves to help. Unless it's laundry or helping clean up after the little kids.
3. He is ridiculously smart. He understands so much more than I imagine other 5 (now, 6) year olds do. We've had discussions about racism and the civil war, he knows who the incoming and outgoing Presidents are. And no one on the planet knows more about dinosaurs. Period.
4. He's thoughtful.
5. He's tough. Physically and emotionally.
6. He lives a really wide open life. He has lots of friends (all the neighborhood girls love him!), he has lots of interests and hobbies. He likes to learn new things and read. He loves the outdoors. He loves his family.

So glad he's ours! And that we haven't screwed him up too badly yet!

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