Wednesday, March 21, 2018

This Is Us

I resisted jumping on the This is Us bandwagon for a season and a half. Everyone said you cry during every episode and I just ain't got time for that. BUT while I was visiting my best friends house last month, she turned it on and I was hooked within 15 minutes. I came home and have binged watched every episode (as much as one can with children and a husband at home that also want to use the TV/can't watch adult shows). I got all the way caught up last week. I was exhausted and my house was a wreck, but I'm all caught up.

And I have some thoughts. And maybe these are thoughts that someone has already blogged about because I'm obviously behind the times. But I have these thoughts none the less and there's no one here for me to talk to about them.

Just in case you are the only other person left in the world not watching this show, SPOILER ALERT. Stop reading now. Go watch the show and come back.

1. I will never look at my Crock-Pot the same. I am cooking in mine right now, but I was hesitant. I already had this hangup, by the way, but the Pearson's incident sure didn't do anything to make me less cray.
2. Also, NEVER GO BACK IN FOR THE DOG. Jesus H. It's House Fire 101. I love my dog, but damn.
3. I don't really think I like Kate. Homegirl needs therapy. Although, I admit that she endeared herself to me during the season finale of Season 2.
4. Or Kevin, really. Homeboy needs therapy for a different reason. Although, I admit that he endeared himself to me during the season finale of Season 2.
5. "Tobe" is exhausting. He and Chip Gaines are sucking all the oxygen out of the entire universe. THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE. Although, I admit, it made a little more sense after the season finale of Season 2.
6. I really can't decide if I like Jack and Rebecca or Roland and Beth more. I really, really love Jack and Rebecca's love. And I really, really love Roland and Beth's witty banter. I definitely think Erik and I are the most like Beth and Roland.
7. Why was Roland delivered at home? Was the mom already an addict? How was Roland not born addicted? Is it not coincidental that Tess was also delivered at home? Are these just things we aren't supposed to think of?
8. MIGUEL?! WHAT?! He was such a cruddy husband to Sherry/Sheryl/Shawna (or whatever her name is). I do not think Jack is looking down fondly on this marriage.
9. Nine deserves it's own paragraph.

It's it funny how Jack and Rebecca try SO hard to be good parents. Jack goes out of his way not to make his parents mistakes. Rebecca tries SO hard to make sure all the kid are loved the same - probably to a fault, but I think that speaks to how hard she tried. They are well-fed. They don't want for anything. They are so loved, and their parents are so involved. And they're fucked up anyway. Every last one of them. Jesus. I'm sure this is how real life is too.

Does that mean we're all just spinning our wheels here? Bless my heart.

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