Monday, July 28, 2008

I'm officially a Jorgensen (or) Erik and Sheena Go To The Shooting Range - You Pick The Title

Good evening, all.

Today, Erik and I ventured all the way to the other side of the island (like 50 minutes...) to go shooting. I was pretty nervous about the whole thing, like I've been putting it off for weeks because I've never shot hand guns before and I was so afraid that I would be a terrible shot or he would be a terrible teacher (lets face it kids, he's kind of a perfectionsit), we'd end up yelling at eachother, and then I'd get flustered and accidentally shoot him (or someone else). Perhaps I was being a little melodramatic but that was the scenario that kept going through my head...

So anyway, we went with 3 guns. 2 1911s and a .357, I have to say I preferred the revolver. And as it turns out I'm not *such* a terrible shot and I think we might make this a semi-regular activity. The couple that shoots together stays together, right?

Here are some pictures. Please excuse my dirty hat, it and a Red Sox one were all Erik had and I wasn't about to put on a Boston cap. Perhaps I need to get Ruger one... Do you have them in pink, Ken?

Here I am, smiling nervously infront of a strangers truck before it all began.
For the record, I do know now that I should have been tilting the gun downward for easier loading.

And now the prettier one!
Just call me Annie Oakley.
I felt kind of silly with Erik taking the pictures at first but I actually hit the target (almost) dead center and I was glad he brought it so I could have proof.

Sheena: You actually brought a camera?
Erik: You think I wouldn't? It's a momentous occasion - Sheena shoots Erik.
Sheena: Fair enough...

Dinner with our possible new friends was postponed until tomorrow evening as their little one was running a fever, more on that next time. G'night!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Can't think of a title

Hey everyone! Sorry I've been rather inconsistent lately. Erik's parents were here from the 3-13 and my mom and sister were here from the 12-25. The house seems rather empty without extra people in it, but we are (somewhat) happy to have our house to ourselves for a little while.

Tonight Erik and I went to see Stepbrothers and have ice cream. Well he had ice cream, I had some kind of fat free vanilla flavored tar, but we won't get into that - we'll just say YAY for restraint. Anyway, so there was this lady sitting infront of us at the movie (we went to the 5:45 show, so it wasn't very full) and she had brought along her two young children who would NOT sit still or be quiet AT ALL! Now, even with my limited knowledge of children, I know that you can't control them all the time. You can, however, refrain from taking them to a movie that is a)inappropriate for kids on SOOOO many levels and b) take the outside if they start screaming and pestering those sitting near you. This particular theater even has a CRYBABY Matinee once a week for moms who want to see movies but can't get away without their little ones. They leave the lights on a little higher and the volume a little lower. Toys are even permitted! Point is I was kind-of annoyed by the youngsters. I try to make mental notes about situations like these for if/when I have my own little ones to corral. Moving on.

I never heard back from the paper company job people. Oh well. I'm starting to get better at the whole not buying what you want when you want it thing. I have a job interview on monday as an admissions rep (or counselor, or something) for a small college in Honolulu. No I don't want to drive that far, but I also don't want to continue the trend of only getting one interview a month. I figure God will lead me in the right direction, I just have to be patient. Patience is a virtue I was not blessed with.

Tomorrow we are having some new people over. It's the family of a guy Erik works with. I guess we're cooking out, because I don't have much other food in the house (I try to avoid going on post when I don't have to, and I don't *have* to go again until Thursday). I'm excited to maybe make a new friend. They just live a few miles away, too!

So, I guess that's about it. Tomorrow we're going to the gun range so I can practice shooting my pretty gun before Erik leaves (Yes, it's pretty. It's shiny!) and on Monday I'm calling to have our alarm turned. I can't believe we're already taking steps toward him leaving again. He's even already sent a few bags. Didn't he JUST get home? I thought so too.

Now, a couple of pictures!

Incase you were wondering, Ichi does indeed fit in Baxters cage.

A family shot on our first anniversary! (I hate that the top of that shelf looks so bare. It didn't until Erik broke the sign that was on it...)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Best Year EVER!

A few days ago I was reading over my old blog and found a bunch of lists that I made. Reasons why I liked this person or that, my random thoughts from that day, etc. Just stupid things that I (and hopefully my readers) found funny.

**Fast forward to today.**

So the girls (Melissa and Emily) joined mom and Jess and I for Cirque Hawaii. A totally awesome (but smaller) Cirque De Soleil in Waikiki. Then the girls came over and we chatted until about 10 minutes ago. I love sitting around talking with them.

As I was closing up the house I looked at the clock and realized it was 12:15AM which means it's 6:15AM on the East Coast. A year ago today the (other) girls (Lori, Andrea, Katie and Jessi) and I were waking up to go to our hair appointments for the wedding. I can't believe it's been a year already! I still remember waking up and Lori saying "Sheena! You're getting married today!" and Katie saying "My God Sheena, Finally!!" I guess time really does fly when you're having fun! So anyway, in honor of our anniversary I decided to make a list! You know that first paragraph played in here somewhere, didn't you!

17 Things About Sheena & Erik That You Didn't Know Before Reading This Blog.
1. Our dogs whole name is Baxter M. Jorgensen. M is for money-pit.
2. We never lived in the same town (or even county) before we got married. Yes, this made for an interesting transition.
3. We have lived in 3 states in the last year.
4. We are both addicted to facebook - even though one of us would never admit that.
5. Our first date was not so good. Our second was a rented movie and finishing up my laundry in my college dorm. The rest is history.
6.When we were dating we'd meet on Wednesdays in Anadarko, a cruddy little town halfway between Lawton (where he was stationed) and Weatherford (where I went to college) at the KFC and drive to Pizza Hut together for pizza. Yes, those were our only choices.
7. We would order 2 iced teas and a black olive, green pepper and sausage pizza. I have no idea where we got that idea, but we LOVED it!
8. We love traveling! We have been to almost half the states together and 2 countries.
9. We have a huge MargaritaVille Margarita machine that we got for a wedding gift and use A LOT!
10. Conveniently enough, we both have expensive tastes.
11. If bruschetta is on a menu, we are ordering it.
12. We have two huge book shelves FILLED with books. We have everything from Get Fuzzy books to Plato to How to Win Friends and Influence People (not sure either of us have read that one!)
13. We LOVE getting up early, driving to the beach, perhaps getting a frozen drink, and sitting with our books and our IPODS.
14. We are sunscreen Nazis.
15. We seldom agree on TV programming, but we both enjoy Good Eats and watch it while eating dinner (which is sometimes not so Good Eats).
16. We do not buy Valentine Cards or gifts for one another (besides flowers, of course!). We buy blank cards and write in them.
17. Along those lines, we have decided only to buy anniversary gifts for the big anniversaries (1, 5, 10, etc). This should ensure that I amass a lot of jewelery over the course of our marriage. ;)


Tomorrow around 2 I pick Erik up from post - at least we get to spend SOME of our anniversary

Until Next Time (and obviously in no particular order):

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I hate captcha's, but I added one. As soon as I posted the last entry I got 4 comments from freako's about "feeling good" and playing the Mexican lottery.

I'll pass, thanks.
My mom and sister arrived last Saturday. So far we have gone snorkeling with Erik at Ko'Olina (well, Jessi did. Mom passed and while I tried, I just couldn't get my cheap K-Mart snorkel to work right. I'm taking it back.) On Monday, I took Erik and Ichi onto post so they could fly to California for a week. Boo. I did find out tonight though, that Erik *should* be back home for at least part of our anniversary! YAY! Today, mom, Jess and I took a tour at the Hawaiian Plantation Village. Our docent was uber-smart and full of info, turning an hour tour into an almost 3 hour tour! Then we lunched and went to the Dole Plantation. We were too full for pineapple whip, but I'll tell you what - that stuff is DEEElicious (I tried it with Pat and Ken. Did I already tell you that?)

Speaking of Pat and Ken, they made the journey back to the Northland on Sunday, but not before putting all the pictures they took throughout their time here on our computer! And now, since they're available, more pic of paradise!

Baxter is cute, no?

Our living room.

This is the view from the end of our driveway, looking right.
The house looks HUGE in this picture!

Erik and I at the Paradise Cove Luau. It was NOT what I expected in a luau. Mom, Jess and I are hitting the one at the Polynesian Cultural Center on Thursday, I'll let you know if that one is more like what I expected.

Pat and Ken at the luau.
We were engrossed - a man was twirling a fire stick. It was the most luau-like spectacle, in my opinion.

There are about 200 more pictures, but I'm pretty tired...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I know, I know...'s been forever and a day since my last entry. I'm sorry - I've been busy!

Pat and Ken are here (for those of you who don't know, they are Erik's parents) so we've been showing them the island. I'm pretty sure they love it. Today we went to the North Shore and to the Dole Plantation. Tomorrow I have a doctors appointment and then we're going to BODIES at the Ala Moana Center. Tomorrow we are hitting up the luau at Paradise Cove. ITR got us some great discounts!

Yesterday was Erik's birthday (Happy Birthday!) and I planned for all our friends to meet us at our fav Italian place - but he thought it was just going to be us. I was so stealth, I made reservations, I got everyone together... but we were early. So early we beat our friends. Then he tells me he already knew because I drove so slowly getting there (which I wouldn't have had to do if he didn't need to leave 25 minutes earlier than we should have!). *sigh* I worked so hard! He made a haul though: An autographed copy of John McCains book and a new 80G IPOD along with a few (very cool!) other things to include 2 months of Netflix and a Hawaiian shirt.

My mom will be here Saturday!! And then Erik leaves on Monday for about 10 days. :( Then he comes home for a few days and then leaves for a month. Then he's home for a few days, and then we go to Westfield for a wedding, and then... No "and then".

I'm going to bed now. Sorry this was so jumpy... Pics and more posts after all our guests leave!

PS - Still no word on the job, but when I emailed to check in they said they hadn't made a decision yet. Keep those fingers crossed!!