A few days ago I was reading over my old blog and found a bunch of lists that I made. Reasons why I liked this person or that, my random thoughts from that day, etc. Just stupid things that I (and hopefully my readers) found funny.
**Fast forward to today.**
So the girls (Melissa and Emily) joined mom and Jess and I for Cirque Hawaii. A totally awesome (but smaller) Cirque De Soleil in Waikiki. Then the girls came over and we chatted until about 10 minutes ago. I love sitting around talking with them.
As I was closing up the house I looked at the clock and realized it was 12:15AM which means it's 6:15AM on the East Coast. A year ago today the (other) girls (Lori, Andrea, Katie and Jessi) and I were waking up to go to our hair appointments for the wedding. I can't believe it's been a year already! I still remember waking up and Lori saying "Sheena! You're getting married today!" and Katie saying "My God Sheena, Finally!!" I guess time really does fly when you're having fun! So anyway, in honor of our anniversary I decided to make a list! You know that first paragraph played in here somewhere, didn't you!
17 Things About Sheena & Erik That You Didn't Know Before Reading This Blog.1. Our dogs whole name is Baxter M. Jorgensen. M is for money-pit.
2. We never lived in the same town (or even county) before we got married. Yes, this made for an interesting transition.
3. We have lived in 3 states in the last year.
4. We are both addicted to facebook - even though one of us would never admit that.
5. Our first date was not so good. Our second was a rented movie and finishing up my laundry in my college dorm. The rest is history.
6.When we were dating we'd meet on Wednesdays in Anadarko, a cruddy little town halfway between Lawton (where he was stationed) and Weatherford (where I went to college) at the KFC and drive to Pizza Hut together for pizza. Yes, those were our only choices.
7. We would order 2 iced teas and a black olive, green pepper and sausage pizza. I have no idea where we got that idea, but we LOVED it!
8. We love traveling! We have been to almost half the states together and 2 countries.
9. We have a huge MargaritaVille Margarita machine that we got for a wedding gift and use A LOT!
10. Conveniently enough, we both have expensive tastes.
11. If bruschetta is on a menu, we are ordering it.
12. We have two huge book shelves FILLED with books. We have everything from Get Fuzzy books to Plato to How to Win Friends and Influence People (not sure either of us have read that one!)
13. We LOVE getting up early, driving to the beach, perhaps getting a frozen drink, and sitting with our books and our IPODS.
14. We are sunscreen Nazis.
15. We seldom agree on TV programming, but we both enjoy Good Eats and watch it while eating dinner (which is sometimes not so Good Eats).
16. We do not buy Valentine Cards or gifts for one another (besides flowers, of course!). We buy blank cards and write in them.
17. Along those lines, we have decided only to buy anniversary gifts for the big anniversaries (1, 5, 10, etc). This should ensure that I amass a lot of jewelery over the course of our marriage. ;)
Tomorrow around 2 I pick Erik up from post - at least we get to spend SOME of our anniversary
Until Next Time (and obviously in no particular order):