Today, Erik and I ventured all the way to the other side of the island (like 50 minutes...) to go shooting. I was pretty nervous about the whole thing, like I've been putting it off for weeks because I've never shot hand guns before and I was so afraid that I would be a terrible shot or he would be a terrible teacher (lets face it kids, he's kind of a perfectionsit), we'd end up yelling at eachother, and then I'd get flustered and accidentally shoot him (or someone else). Perhaps I was being a little melodramatic but that was the scenario that kept going through my head...
So anyway, we went with 3 guns. 2 1911s and a .357, I have to say I preferred the revolver. And as it turns out I'm not *such* a terrible shot and I think we might make this a semi-regular activity. The couple that shoots together stays together, right?
Here are some pictures. Please excuse my dirty hat, it and a Red Sox one were all Erik had and I wasn't about to put on a Boston cap. Perhaps I need to get Ruger one... Do you have them in pink, Ken?
Here I am, smiling nervously infront of a strangers truck before it all began.
For the record, I do know now that I should have been tilting the gun downward for easier loading.
Sheena: You actually brought a camera?
Erik: You think I wouldn't? It's a momentous occasion - Sheena shoots Erik.
Erik: You think I wouldn't? It's a momentous occasion - Sheena shoots Erik.
Sheena: Fair enough...
Dinner with our possible new friends was postponed until tomorrow evening as their little one was running a fever, more on that next time. G'night!