Tonight Erik and I went to see Stepbrothers and have ice cream. Well he had ice cream, I had some kind of fat free vanilla flavored tar, but we won't get into that - we'll just say YAY for restraint. Anyway, so there was this lady sitting infront of us at the movie (we went to the 5:45 show, so it wasn't very full) and she had brought along her two young children who would NOT sit still or be quiet AT ALL! Now, even with my limited knowledge of children, I know that you can't control them all the time. You can, however, refrain from taking them to a movie that is a)inappropriate for kids on SOOOO many levels and b) take the outside if they start screaming and pestering those sitting near you. This particular theater even has a CRYBABY Matinee once a week for moms who want to see movies but can't get away without their little ones. They leave the lights on a little higher and the volume a little lower. Toys are even permitted! Point is I was kind-of annoyed by the youngsters. I try to make mental notes about situations like these for if/when I have my own little ones to corral. Moving on.
I never heard back from the paper company job people. Oh well. I'm starting to get better at the whole not buying what you want when you want it thing. I have a job interview on monday as an admissions rep (or counselor, or something) for a small college in Honolulu. No I don't want to drive that far, but I also don't want to continue the trend of only getting one interview a month. I figure God will lead me in the right direction, I just have to be patient. Patience is a virtue I was not blessed with.
Tomorrow we are having some new people over. It's the family of a guy Erik works with. I guess we're cooking out, because I don't have much other food in the house (I try to avoid going on post when I don't have to, and I don't *have* to go again until Thursday). I'm excited to maybe make a new friend. They just live a few miles away, too!
So, I guess that's about it. Tomorrow we're going to the gun range so I can practice shooting my pretty gun before Erik leaves (Yes, it's pretty. It's shiny!) and on Monday I'm calling to have our alarm turned. I can't believe we're already taking steps toward him leaving again. He's even already sent a few bags. Didn't he JUST get home? I thought so too.
Now, a couple of pictures!
Incase you were wondering, Ichi does indeed fit in Baxters cage.
A family shot on our first anniversary! (I hate that the top of that shelf looks so bare. It didn't until Erik broke the sign that was on it...)