I caught Grant in a lie the other day. He's been having issues with dry eye and when he wakes up in pain, I have to give him drops. The other day he woke up for his milk and while I was changing him, he kept his hand over his eye. I said "Does your eye hurt? Do you need your drops?" and he said "No," and 5 minutes later started whining about his eye. "Does your eye hurt? Do you need drops?" I asked, "Nope," he replied, still holding his eye. I didn't realize it then, but I'm pretty sure it was his first lie. Either way, pretty smart on his part, but don't tell him I said that.
Speaking of G's morning milk, on all the mornings Erik has to get up before us (for PT or whatever he has going on) he always fills a sippy of milk for G and leaves it in the fridge so I just have to stumble downstairs, grab it and head back up. Man I appreciate that.
Lately there has been chatter among my military friends about an article recently published on the Huffington Post's website which grossly misrepresenting our lifestyle and claiming we live (seriously) in the lap of luxury. At first I was infuriated, but as time went on, I decided that I truly just don't care. For two reasons: 1. I really doubt the people who read the Huffington Post regularly are going to be swayed by a huge uprising. What's that old saying? Oh yeah, "haters gonna hate," and two, the only chatter I've heard has been from those in my military circle, so I'm not sure "outsiders" have even picked up on it. The article is full of inaccuracies, FULL, but I just don't care enough to refute them. As I said, haters gonna hate.
A few weeks ago Erik and I attended the ROTC ball for the university he works at. While it's never fun to find a maternity ball gown (and feel good in it), we had a pretty good time. Here's what though: Those things are way more fun when you get to partake in alcoholic beverages. And when you're not surrounded by beautiful college girls who aren't yet haggard by motherhood. On a different note, while we were there a retired COL that works at one of the schools in the ROTC BN and knows Erik well told me that he was impressed when he was reading The Outpost and saw Erik's name. He asked me if I knew I was married to a "legend". Is 30 old enough to be legendary? I hope so. ;)
Last weekend, the high got up to 57* (but I already posted about that, didn't I?) and all the snow melted off. Today, it's nearly a white-out outside. Oh Spring, please hurry.
Locking your dogs in a crate when you leave is rendered pointless when your two year old has unlocked the other door to their crate, unbeknownst to you. Thankfully, there was no poop on the rug, as is their usual calling card.
Ah! I can't believe I almost forgot this one! Last week we found out Erik is being promoted to Major! It will be a few months before he actually pins on the rank, but it's very exciting news none the less. They selected far fewer Soldiers this time because of the draw down overseas, and we know several (at least a dozen) GOOD Soldiers who weren't selected, so we are definitely happy. He will be taking his ILE course online, so that will keep us here a little longer, but it is better in the long run because if were had to move to KS for 9 months in a few years we would likely be interrupting G's first year of school, which I'll happily avoid.
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