Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Excitement

On Good Friday our local library hosted an Easter animal petting zoo. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I figured even if they just had bunnies (or "hops," as G calls them) that would be enough.

We walked in and there were not only "hops," but chickens, goats a lamb, ducks and guinea pigs. G nearly had a heart attack!



We came home for lunch and nap, and then I decided to continue the fun of the day and dye our Easter Eggs since Erik was home to join us.


After that was done, Erik suggested we add some vinegar to our dye cups and scoop in some of the baking soda from the fridge I was about to throw out. To be honest, I had never seen the vinegar/baking soda reaction myself, so I was totally game.

G wasn't so sure at first.

But then he got a little more into it.

And then decided it was the best thing he'd ever seen in his life!

I think we've found ourselves a new Easter tradition!
Afterward, G and Erik decided to "do stickers" while I cooked supper.

The next day, with my judgment clouded by a mani/pedi, I went to WalMart for some groceries. The day before Easter, people. I'm an idiot.
But I came home and was feeling like Super Woman for beating back the crowds at Wally World and decided we'd do some prep work for Easter dinner.

G and I made cupcakes, my traditional Pink Fluff, as well as some Devilled Eggs for our supper that night. Here he is mixing the orange jello, cottage cheese and pineapple for the Fluff. Yeah, I know it doesn't look so appetizing yet, though Sam sure was hoping for a morsel there in the background!

The next day the Easter "Hop" came for a visit and left G a basket full of books - all on the same topic (being a big brother). Apparently the Easter Hop is as forgetful as sweet G's dear mom, who meant to tell the "hop" to include books on potty training. At least he remembered her request to include at least one book about manners. And a goofy mask.

Like the outfit? We had some diaper issues the night before. I was obviously not thinking of photo-ops when I got him re-dressed at 1AM.

Here's G reading (one of) his big brother books. Erik and I both got this Little Critter book when we were getting our little sisters.
After Easter Service and a breakfast at the church (where G swiped a powdered donut from the buffet table and then ran around the gymnasium like a nutbar), we came home and had naps and our Easter Egg hunt! We had to do it inside because it was raining :(

G is a great hunter of eggs but doesn't quite get the "hurry" of it all. After he found an egg he brought it to us at the ottoman so we could help him inspect his findings. Here he is finding some sidewalk chalk.

And a "truck."

And probably some more chalk - over our couch. Nice thinking Mom.

And then I forced him in to a photo shoot. He's so stinking cute.

Notice his bright red lips from the jelly bean juice he didn't swallow fast enough.

And another new "truck!" It's a good week to be G!