How does a person even begin to describe how grateful they are for their children. It seems impossible to put all these feelings into words.
I've never met anyone whose made me happier for merely existing, made sad (for growing so fast or for when they're in pain), made me worry so much (about every.single.thing), made me laugh so hard or made me more proud. And I've certainly never met anyone as stinkin' cute as these little curtain crawlers of ours.
I'm grateful that these Little's make me try harder every day to be a better person. In fact, they make me want to do everything better. I try so hard to put good thoughts in their head and feelings in their heart and good food in their tummies. And I'm grateful that in turn they've caused me to put better food in my own tummy, better thoughts in my own head and better feelings in my own heart. I'm so grateful for the impact they've made on my life. It's true that you never really know love until you're a parent. You can think you do, but you really, truly have no idea. I am so grateful that they've shown me what this love is. I don't know how I lived so long without my heart being as full as it is now that they're in my life.
G is such a hilarious addition to our family. He's as quick witted as Erik is, he's smart, he's independent, he's charismatic, he's creative, he's tough, he's aware, he's precious, and he holds everyone in our family (grandparents included) in the palm of his hand. He's one of my sweetest friends. I live for "I zhove you, Mommy." And he loves his baby sister. I am so, so, so incredibly proud and grateful that he's ours.
Piper is such a sweet, smiley baby. I don't yet know much about her personality, other than she's going to be as active as her brother (though maybe not as great a sleeper). What I do know is that she makes us all so happy with her smiles and her coos. She loves us all so much already, as evidenced by the fact that she's always happy to see one of us and she lets us kiss on her sweet, chubby cheeks as often as we want. Well, that and that she's started sleeping much better. ;) It's so funny how much you can love a person that you really don't even know that well yet.
I'm also grateful that, along these lines, Erik is here to enjoy P's first year. I can't imagine how excruciating it was for him to miss all of G's firsts and I know being here for Piper will help him build a really special bond with her.
I'm pretty lucky.
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