This sweet girl got her 2 month shots. This was before. :(
G got a flu shot the same day. He was pretty excited about it going in. The nurse made me hold him down while she did it (which I think makes the whole thing about 10x worse) and when she stuck him he looked at me angrily, eyes squinted and said "Ow!" - he didn't scream it, just sharply, like he was super surprised that I was right when I told him they don't tickle. He watches an episode of Sid the Science Kid on Amazon about vaccinations and he's wanted a doctor kit and to get a shot for about a month now. In fact, not too long ago he got a pen and gave himself "a shot." Apparently he was pretty damn sick. And he thinks shots = stripes.
I don't want to brag, but 3 nights ago I got six hours of sleep in a row.
Erik's office lost one of their contractors (the contract ended), luckily for Erik, he's the one who has to pick up the slack. He doesn't get home until 7:30PM on Wednesday nights and has to be out of the house before we get up on Thursday. And on Tuesday. That, coupled with his school work means we pretty much never get to see him during the week. We all live for Saturday (nights - because he usually has to work days during the Fall to recruit students) and Sundays. Didn't we take this job so he could spend more time with the family?!
My YMCA membership starts back up tomorrow! I'm not taking P in yet though, so that means I can only go on weekends when Erik is home to stay with her. So... that's like one or two days a week. Yay progress?
Erik took G on some errands last Saturday morning, to get G a haircut and to the store. P was asleep when they left and stayed asleep the whole time. It was like I was alone for two.whole.hours. Apparetly as G walked past some ladies at the salon (we take him to the Smart Style at Walmart because they have a TV so he sits still - they do a terrible job anyway though...) and said "Hi ladies!" and then climbed up in his seat. Such a ham.
Let's take a look at those chubby cheeks again, shall we?
Cars still litter every available surface in the family room/play room. I'll probably be pretty sad when they don't.
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Yeah. Please excuse our terrible end tables and that excellent glare. We got the table at Goodwill last summer for $5 and have been too busy/lazy/tired to do anything with it. |
I'm knee deep in Christmas shopping. We have decreed that we aren't going anywhere for any holidays for the rest of the year. My mom is coming for Thanksgiving and it's looking like Christmas will be just us this year. We didn't want to drag the baby out and we wanted to spend at least one Christmas in this house, as we'll probably be gone by this time next year. I'm pretty stinking excited about Christmas this year. Grant is already telling me (and everyone who will listen) that he wants "Ho Ho" to bring him a doctor kit and some magwet cars. (Train cars that magnetize together)
This is the first outfit I bought when I found out I was pregnant. It's a 6 month outfit. Her body is so long, and coupled with cloth diapers we have to put her in 6 month onesies pretty much all the time now. The other day she wore a 9-month tunic shirt. She better stop growing - I only have clothes for her up through 9 months.
On Saturday night we had a family movie night. I selected Lilo and Stitch. Erik nor I had never seen it before, and I knew it was set in HI which G I thought G would get a kick out of. It was adorable and G has asked to watch it every day since (though I've only allowed it twice more). The Hawaiian music, the dancing, the accents - man I miss our island home. I think how wonderful it would be to be stationed there again, but then I remember it could never be the same as it was.
Living in a split-level home has it's challenges. I have this thing where I try to take something up and bring something down every time I go up or down some stairs. Of course, now that I have a baby to carry around, it's a little more complicated. Anyway, I'll often tell G to put something on the stairs so I can take it up. This is what usually happens.
And if anyone wants to come shampoo those disgusting things, be my guest. :)
Piper is beautiful! We're well-versed in the art of drawing on things. Just the other day, Weston drew on my car. Thankfully, it was with crayon. I took a picture because him crying next to the evidence reminded me of dog-shaming. So far, I've been too nice to share it with the Internet. :)
ReplyDeleteHahahaha! That makes me think of this time when my sister was about 4, she carved a J (for Jessi) in my moms car door. She denied and denied and denied, but who the heck else was going to carve a J?!
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks :)