Thursday, August 14, 2014

July Things According to My Phone

Yeah... I'm behind. But at least August isn't quite half over...

G: He died?
S: Yeah, he was hit by lightening.
G: Lightening McQueen?

After telling G he couldn't have his lunch until he picked up his toys, I was prepping Piper's lunch when I hear "Um, mom, I just talked to Jesus and he told me that I didn't have to pick up. He said he'd do it."

G: Do you hear that?
S: Yeah... It's just someone mowing.
G: Oh. They have their yard boy over?

(After what felt like a centuries-long discussion about why G doesn't get dessert because he was naughty today)
Erik, irritated: Don't ask again, you aren't getting it. You are going to just take a shower and go to bed.
G, frustrated: Daaaaad, you keep saying all those words, but none of them mean dessert!

 "I got her a sock too so when she starts crying we can just put it in her mouth and she'll be quiet." -G

Random Wednesday Morning! And this is the first time they've both been smiling in a pic!

Erik asked for a tent for his birthday.
Here's G and Erik doing a camp out together in the backyard to try it out!!

This girl started "cruising" while we were at the lake house. She also started saying "Uh oh!"
along with the usual "mama," "dada," and sometimes "bubba".

Sleeping Beauty. I started to get her out of her car seat before taking this pic.
I should have thought twice because she didn't go back to sleep after I woke her up to get her out. :/

Fourth of July cuties!

G is really into physical comedy now. Boys.

Sweet face!

P is really into the dogs.

We're deep into finger foods around here.

Love those chubby arms!

If you tell G he looks tired, he responds by making this face.

Epiphany: Babies don't like lifejackets.

Erik's former bosses lady-friend lives in Guam and sends me 7D mangoes. I don't know her very well, which makes this even sweeter. No idea how I deserve this mango godmother!

Loves coconut water!

When Erik is away we eat foods he wouldn't normally enjoy. Here's homemade Tom Kah soup. It was awesome, if I do say so myself. G had 3 servings!

Sweet babies!

Last year we planted a garden and I forgot what I planted. This year I had the foresight to draw a map!
We're getting somewhere...

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