Thursday, August 28, 2014

Throw Back Thursday

Lake trip by the pics.
Our great house with a great dock (complete with a duck family living under it!), two boats, a slide and great views.

 Books were read and boat rides were taken.

Neither kid particularly enjoyed their life jackets.

But they did enjoy each other! This was taken before our first day of boating!

 Grant caught several fish with the help of Papa and the super cool fishing pole and tackle box Papa gave him!
Here's Grandma and P looking on. Tell me these two aren't twins.

G wasn't super sure about tubing the first few times out...
in fact, I'd venture to say he was against it.

P is not only the girl with many nicknames, she's also the girl with about a billion sun hats. It's my person mission to have as little of her body exposed to the open air at any time as possible. ;)

 This girl slept on me on our big boating day, and this will probably prove to be the last time.
She's getting too independent for my taste! (Check out what Uncle Mike calls her 1940's bathing suit! She totally pulls it off.)
Grant tried tubing again, and apparently all he needed was a little help from dad!

 Thumbs-upping is hard and requires quite a bit of concentration.
 Turns out, Erik is kind of a hot dog on the tube. You think you know someone after almost ten years.

We forced both kids to try the lake. They were both furious about it.


 Erik and Uncle Mike took G out on the kayak on our last night. You can't see it, but G took along a little beach shovel as a paddle.

G has obviously inherited my squinty face.


This almost became a pretty big incident. We heard them trying to fire it up - or whatever the technical term for creating the hot air is, looked out, and saw this. Seriously, look how close to the water that is! They eventually got high enough to go over those trees in the back ground, but then we saw them start dipping again - toward another lake!
Let's look a little closer.



 And P started "cruising" while we were there, and said her first "official" word - "uh oh!"

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