Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Debate Prep

I really love America.

I really love Democracy.

I (((seriously))) cried the first time I voted. It was absentee and my friend took a picture, which I know you're not supposed to do, but COME ON!

Election day is seriously my VERY FAVORITE DAY.

But this bullshit is really harshing my election year buzz. I don't countdown to debate days and I'm not devouring every article and book I can get my hands on. I'm being robbbed. We all are.

I really can't wrap my mind around Donald Trump being the President, and I think I've made that pretty clear to anyone who will listen (or reads my facebook page). Sidenote: political posts on Facebook are not a good way to make friends... But my dislike for Humpty Trumpty should NOT mislead folks into thinking I could possibly stomach another Clinton presidency.

I never understood what people meant about elections being the choice between the lesser of two evils, because I never saw my candidate as problematic. Republican or Democrat, I trusted the process. Everyone has their faults, candidates included, but God almighty, I never legitimately worried about the likelihood of nuclear war until this election. I do not trust this process anymore.

If I were an ISIS leader, I would have watched last nights debates and turned to my buddies and said "Oh, you guys, we might as well disband. America doesn't need *us* to bring about it's implosion, they've got it covered on their own." Because seriously, holy shit people.

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