You may not know this, but I had to forego my Oklahoma drivers license when we moved here, because I forgot to renew when I left and I had already done it once online, and was therefore required to do the next renewal in person. I guess they don't want me using that pic of a 24-year old new bride with cute hair and no dark circles all the way into middle age.
While at the DMV, they asked me if I wanted to switch my voter registration to Georgia as well.
This hit hard.
Despite living in 4 other states, I kept my Oklahoma registration because I was always very active in Oklahoma politics, kept up with Oklahoma issues and had friends I wanted to vote for, so for the last several years I've voted absentee when necessary, careful not to abandon my civic duty.
I reluctantly said "Okay," to this precious DMV lady who had just unknowingly created a huge crisis in my heart, because I haven't lived there in something like 47 years and it's time to embrace my current situation. Also, it is a SERIOUS PAIN IN THE ASS to vote absentee when your registration is still in your maiden name (because the day I turned 18, I marched my age of majority butt right down to the post office and filled out a registration card). So, there was that, too.
But then I never got my registration card and I had to call the election board to follow up and ask 10,000 questions about my polling place etc, etc, etc., and it was then that I found out that they do early voting here. I can go vote all day every week day starting on October 17, AND ON SATURDAY, October 29. You guys, my MIND IS BLOWN. Is this a thing and I missed it?
I understand the necessity. People have jobs and lives and one day of voting is really difficult or not possible for some. But I just can't handle this early voting situation. It's like robbery. NOTHING IS BETTER OR MORE AMERICAN THAN BEING IN A POLLING PLACE! Do we do a Christmas gift a day for the whole month of December? No. (We, in this case is my family, I know some of you more organized folks do this, I just can't get my act together). And we do not open an Easter egg a day before Easter Sunday in my house, or have birthday "months," or do an entire month of fireworks for 4th of July, and so too we shall not vote early.
I think the bottom line here is that I am the hugest of nerds.
As for me and my house, we will vote on Election Day. Is that sacrilegious? Sorry. But I think God gets me.
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