Okay, I finished the Netflix revival of Gilmore Girls.
I have lots of feelings about it. I was happy, I was sad. I was irritated. I was "WTFing" at my TV with all those musical numbers and the whole Wild thing. But by and large, I was pleased with the peek into their lives after 10 years (although, what exacty has happened over those 10 years none of us will EVER know because it seems like exactly ZERO living actually went on.) Was that a spoiler? Nah, I don't really think so. But if someone wants to discuss this with me, I'm happy to partake. I have feelings about it.
When the original series started, I was Rory's age. Exactly her age and grade in school. As she progressed, I progressed. When she went to college, it got a little boring because... well... I was in college. And after awhile, the show fell off my radar. So after I finished the revival series last night I decided to start over from the beginning.
Holy crap, you guys. The year 2000 was SO NINETIES!! The hair, the clothes, the television resolution. I thought we were so progressive back then. 2000 brought us American Pie after all, right? PROGRESS. BUT seriously, watching that pilot episode last night, I thought to myself "I might as well be watching this in black and white."
And then the Earth crumbled.
I was looking at Lorelai.
And it hit me.
I'm HER age now.
And then I died.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Fun Old Fashioned Family Christmas.
So my dad was here for Thanksgiving, which I love. I always feel silly putting out a huge spread when it's just our nuclear family. I like a reason to pull out all the stops. Which I shouldn't need, but I'm too pragmatic. Also, since my dad is single, I like the opportunity to make him decent food because I'm pretty sure he just eats hot dogs and take out for dinner. I do admit that I think being with us makes him feel like he misses the Family Years but I think that's actually good for me. Anyway, he just left this morning and now I'm switching gears for Christmas.
Because a crowd is descending.
My mom had planned to come for awhile, since we were with Erik's family for Christmas last year. But then my in-laws decided they were ready to try flying again after my mother-in-law's stroke, and they're coming too! So now, we're going to have a bustling house full for Christmas and a few days after!
I have to admit, at first I was kind of worried, but now I am STUPID excited to have everyone. I LOVE a house full of people for the holidays and I'm so glad my kids are going to have THREE grandparents to watch their eyes light up on Christmas morning.
I am totally planning to be obnoxious about activities and games and recipes and just general Pinterest Mom junk. I am almost certainly going to blow 6-months worth of grocery budget, but I don't care. I can't think of a single holiday in which nearly all my grandparents were in one place. In fact, I know for certain it NEVER happened.
Reason number 25 (get it?) that my kids are so ridiculously lucky.
Because a crowd is descending.
My mom had planned to come for awhile, since we were with Erik's family for Christmas last year. But then my in-laws decided they were ready to try flying again after my mother-in-law's stroke, and they're coming too! So now, we're going to have a bustling house full for Christmas and a few days after!
I have to admit, at first I was kind of worried, but now I am STUPID excited to have everyone. I LOVE a house full of people for the holidays and I'm so glad my kids are going to have THREE grandparents to watch their eyes light up on Christmas morning.
I am totally planning to be obnoxious about activities and games and recipes and just general Pinterest Mom junk. I am almost certainly going to blow 6-months worth of grocery budget, but I don't care. I can't think of a single holiday in which nearly all my grandparents were in one place. In fact, I know for certain it NEVER happened.
Reason number 25 (get it?) that my kids are so ridiculously lucky.
Friday, November 18, 2016
Holiday Prep
Oh gosh, I can't believe it's nearly Thanksgiving again. I swore last year that I'd get my holiday act together over the summer so all the activities and recipes I wanted to make would be ready to utilize by the time the holidays rolled back around.
Didn't. Happen.
Are you surprised I didn't want to think about the holidays during a Georgia summer? It's hard to focus on Christmas when it's 144* outside.
But then, I didn't even think to buy a turkey until last weekend at Sams when Erik gave me a little nudge in that direction. I thought "Well, I'm here, might as well buy it." so I walked away with a 22lb turkey for SIX PEOPLE. We will be eating turkey until Christmas. When I make another turkey.
So today I sat down to make out our menu, because, I think we know I'm a procrastinator, and it occurred to me that all I make is what our mothers always made.
Pat's stuffing, cranberry jelly (okay, from a can, but I'd never even touched that goop until I met Erik)
Mom's relish plate (haha! She's not exactly known for her innovative cooking.. Sorry mom!) and pumpkin mousse pie (my dad's fave!)
Grandma's pink fluff and green bean casserole
Close Friend Carmen's Turkey (it doesn't need to be basted!!!)
Sheena's nothing.
So I set out to remedy that.
This year, I'll be making maple bacon deviled eggs, and Paula Deen's Pineapple Casserole (which I've had before and am more than happy to make a permanent staple at our table). I'm also glazing some carrots for the first time, but those are mostly for Nash to eat SOMETHING healthy because Erik HATES carrots, so I'm not counting on those sticking around. I just need to find something my kids annoyingly insist on having on every holiday table from here to infinity.
I'm so annoying about holidays. I try so hard to make everything really nice. If I put half that effort in throughout the rest of the year, I might be a better homemaker. Ha!
Didn't. Happen.
Are you surprised I didn't want to think about the holidays during a Georgia summer? It's hard to focus on Christmas when it's 144* outside.
But then, I didn't even think to buy a turkey until last weekend at Sams when Erik gave me a little nudge in that direction. I thought "Well, I'm here, might as well buy it." so I walked away with a 22lb turkey for SIX PEOPLE. We will be eating turkey until Christmas. When I make another turkey.
So today I sat down to make out our menu, because, I think we know I'm a procrastinator, and it occurred to me that all I make is what our mothers always made.
Pat's stuffing, cranberry jelly (okay, from a can, but I'd never even touched that goop until I met Erik)
Mom's relish plate (haha! She's not exactly known for her innovative cooking.. Sorry mom!) and pumpkin mousse pie (my dad's fave!)
Grandma's pink fluff and green bean casserole
Close Friend Carmen's Turkey (it doesn't need to be basted!!!)
Sheena's nothing.
So I set out to remedy that.
This year, I'll be making maple bacon deviled eggs, and Paula Deen's Pineapple Casserole (which I've had before and am more than happy to make a permanent staple at our table). I'm also glazing some carrots for the first time, but those are mostly for Nash to eat SOMETHING healthy because Erik HATES carrots, so I'm not counting on those sticking around. I just need to find something my kids annoyingly insist on having on every holiday table from here to infinity.
I'm so annoying about holidays. I try so hard to make everything really nice. If I put half that effort in throughout the rest of the year, I might be a better homemaker. Ha!
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Closing Thoughts
Well... That was unexpected.
1. The world isn't on fire. So that's good.
2. I guess I didn't really have a dog in the fight and that made things a little less exciting. But only a leeetle.
2.5. I really, REALLY miss working on campaigns. The feeling that fills the air at a watch party can't be beat. It's seriously like when I know a baby is about to come in to the world. Not mine, because that's NOT the same feeling. ;)
3. I still don't think I wasted my vote.
4. I still love America.
5.The end of DST is still KILLING ME!
5.5. My eyes are blurry. I feel hung over.
6. I'm going to have to think of actual things to blog about now besides fleeing political thoughts. Not sure if this will garner me more or fewer readers.
7. Lastly, I think we all know that I wouldn't vote for Hillary if I had some else's vote with which to do it. But I wept for her during her speech today. I wept for women. I wept for my daughter. I wept for your daughter. And their daughters. But we'll get there. In the meantime, ain't no one gonna grab my daughter by her p*ssy at any point in her life - homegirl is going to learn that she must never extinguish her power. Mothers, join me in teaching our girls that they breathe fire. We start TODAY.
1. The world isn't on fire. So that's good.
2. I guess I didn't really have a dog in the fight and that made things a little less exciting. But only a leeetle.
2.5. I really, REALLY miss working on campaigns. The feeling that fills the air at a watch party can't be beat. It's seriously like when I know a baby is about to come in to the world. Not mine, because that's NOT the same feeling. ;)
3. I still don't think I wasted my vote.
4. I still love America.
5.The end of DST is still KILLING ME!
5.5. My eyes are blurry. I feel hung over.
6. I'm going to have to think of actual things to blog about now besides fleeing political thoughts. Not sure if this will garner me more or fewer readers.
7. Lastly, I think we all know that I wouldn't vote for Hillary if I had some else's vote with which to do it. But I wept for her during her speech today. I wept for women. I wept for my daughter. I wept for your daughter. And their daughters. But we'll get there. In the meantime, ain't no one gonna grab my daughter by her p*ssy at any point in her life - homegirl is going to learn that she must never extinguish her power. Mothers, join me in teaching our girls that they breathe fire. We start TODAY.
"Swallow it down, like a jagged little pill..."
I heard a news anchor say something about how Trump might be the experimental drug for what is ailing America. You're sick and you're tired and you're willing to take anything that might help. It might kill you, but it might cure you. It's probably worth a try.
So here's what we're going to do.
We're going to stop joking about moving to Canada. That is ugly and un-American.
We're going to tell our kids that that's how these things go. And maybe we'll tell our daughters that this only means one of THEM will get to shatter that damn glass ceiling that Hillary bumped her head on yesterday.
We're going to tell our black friends, and our brown friends and our red friends and our yellow friends that THEIR LIVES MATTER TO US.
We're going to tell our immigrant friends that we're glad they're here and that we want them to stay with us and help us achieve all of our American dreams.
We're going to pick up and keep walking. This is AMERICA. PEOPLE DIE TO LIVE HERE. This is the process and it's the best process and thank God for it.
And we're going to unhide Sheena from our newsfeeds now because I think I've said all I have to say.
For today. ;)
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
I'm Thankful for Her
Alright, before all this kicks off (and by "all this" I mean wine in my jammies all by my lonesome because my husband is gone and my excessively nerdy college roommate lives 10 states away), I want to say something:
I wasn't anywhere close to voting for Hillary Clinton. I wouldn't go near her with someone else's ten foot pole. We don't have a single thing in common (lady bits aside, because unlike some might believe, that is NOT good enough reason to vote for someone!). As a Conservative. As a Christian. As a gun owner. As a military spouse. Our ideals just don't mesh well. Or, you know, at all...
But as a woman. As a woman who has been overlooked for simply committing the sin of BEING A WOMAN. As a mother. As the mother of a GIRL. I'm teary-eyed just thinking about what could happen tonight.
You know, kids aren't inherently racist or sexist or any other -ist. They see it. It's a learned behavior. Starting tomorrow, kids may never know a time that women weren't considered JUST AS GOOD AS MEN. SO SAYETH THE NATION.
And if that doesn't move you, I don't know what does.
Just as with Barack Obama (who you can also imagine I didn't vote for) before her, she's changing peoples hearts. Maybe not yours, and maybe not your own children's. But soon. And forevermore.
Politics completely aside, it's a good day for America.
Now please excuse me while I geek out over election returns.
I told you it's like Christmas, right? It is.
I even wore jeans instead of leggings and curled my hair today.
God bless, I love Election Day!
God bless, I love Election Day!
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That Sticker Though... |
Monday, November 7, 2016
I Love An Election
Okay, so here's the thing. This is funny, but if you really think you're going to need a shower after voting tomorrow, I'm sorry for you. I will not need one. My head will be high, my heart full of hope, and my hands clean.
I'm sure you know by now that I will be casting my vote for Gary Johnson. You may not know that I love Democracy so much that I registered to vote in the early morning the day I turned 18, and on that day I registered as a Republican. You may also not know that when I was in college I started the local chapter of the College Republicans with a friend. Yes, I did. Because I loved the party, and I believed in the party, and I did everything I could to further that cause. But this is no longer the party of Reagan and I JUST CAN NOT ANYMORE. I'm telling you this because I think people think I'm not a Conservative. I am. I haven't changed. If anyone is NOT a Conservative, it's Donald Trump. My Southern Democrat father is more Conservative than Donald Trump. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig, my friends.
Yes, I recognize that we're probably going to have to muddle through 4 years of one of the two main party wieners, but I'll tell you what - it won't be through any vote of mine. You might say "Oh Sheena, you're wasting your vote!" and maybe to you I am. But in my heart, I'm doing so much more than casting a "protest vote," I am affecting change. We need to let the establishment know that we aren't going to accept these business as usual, crap-tastic options anymore. This is the best we can come up with? A bigot and a criminal?! No. Not in this great nation. I'm not buying it and neither should you. The two-party system is broken and if we don't fix it, we're going to implode.
As for you? I don't care who you vote for. Seriously, that's for you to decide. And that's why I love America. I love Democracy and the Democratic Process, and you just get on with yo' bad self, fellow voter. In fact, I'm going at 8 AM after school drop-off if you want a ride. But you better believe in that vote you're casting. Don't just cast it out of fear, or because someone filled you up on bull-shit about stacking the Supreme Court. And you better not get vomit in my car once you're done, either. ;)
"...the blood stirs, and the rush reminds us of the intoxicating joys of liberty, in a country of our own making, and of our fathers' and mother's making, in which we revere our freedom and labor for our goods.. hearing the drumbeat of excitement that reminds us that we were born free and urges us on in our determination to die freer yet, so help us God."
-William F. Buckley
Election Day is my very favorite day. It's better than my birthday, and almost better than Christmas. But I only say "almost" because there's only a 50% (or in this case 33%) chance I'm going to get what I asked for. ;)
Happy voting!
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
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