Friday, November 18, 2016

Holiday Prep

Oh gosh, I can't believe it's nearly Thanksgiving again. I swore last year that I'd get my holiday act together over the summer so all the activities and recipes I wanted to make would be ready to utilize by the time the holidays rolled back around.

Didn't. Happen.

Are you surprised I didn't want to think about the holidays during a Georgia summer? It's hard to focus on Christmas when it's 144* outside.

But then, I didn't even think to buy a turkey until last weekend at Sams when Erik gave me a little nudge in that direction. I thought "Well, I'm here, might as well buy it." so I walked away with a 22lb turkey for SIX PEOPLE. We will be eating turkey until Christmas. When I make another turkey.

So today I sat down to make out our menu, because, I think we know I'm a procrastinator, and it occurred to me that all I make is what our mothers always made.

Pat's stuffing, cranberry jelly (okay, from a can, but I'd never even touched that goop until I met Erik)
Mom's relish plate (haha! She's not exactly known for her innovative cooking.. Sorry mom!) and pumpkin mousse pie (my dad's fave!)
Grandma's pink fluff and green bean casserole
Close Friend Carmen's Turkey (it doesn't need to be basted!!!)
Sheena's nothing.

So I set out to remedy that.

This year, I'll be making maple bacon deviled eggs, and Paula Deen's Pineapple Casserole (which I've had before and am more than happy to make a permanent staple at our table). I'm also glazing some carrots for the first time, but those are mostly for Nash to eat SOMETHING healthy because Erik HATES carrots, so I'm not counting on those sticking around. I just need to find something my kids annoyingly insist on having on every holiday table from here to infinity.

I'm so annoying about holidays. I try so hard to make everything really nice. If I put half that effort in throughout the rest of the year, I might be a better homemaker. Ha!

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