Monday, November 7, 2016

I Love An Election

Okay, so here's the thing. This is funny, but if you really think you're going to need a shower after voting tomorrow, I'm sorry for you. I will not need one. My head will be high, my heart full of hope, and my hands clean.

I'm sure you know by now that I will be casting my vote for Gary Johnson. You may not know that I love Democracy so much that I registered to vote in the early morning the day I turned 18, and on that day I registered as a Republican. You may also not know that when I was in college I started the local chapter of the College Republicans with a friend. Yes, I did. Because I loved the party, and I believed in the party, and I did everything I could to further that cause. But this is no longer the party of Reagan and I JUST CAN NOT ANYMORE. I'm telling you this because I think people think I'm not a Conservative. I am. I haven't changed. If anyone is NOT a Conservative, it's Donald Trump. My Southern Democrat father is more Conservative than Donald Trump. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig, my friends.

Yes, I recognize that we're probably going to have to muddle through 4 years of one of the two main party wieners, but I'll tell you what - it won't be through any vote of mine. You might say "Oh Sheena, you're wasting your vote!" and maybe to you I am. But in my heart, I'm doing so much more than casting a "protest vote," I am affecting change. We need to let the establishment know that we aren't going to accept these business as usual, crap-tastic options anymore. This is the best we can come up with? A bigot and a criminal?! No. Not in this great nation. I'm not buying it and neither should you. The two-party system is broken and if we don't fix it, we're going to implode.

As for you? I don't care who you vote for. Seriously, that's for you to decide. And that's why I love America. I love Democracy and the Democratic Process, and you just get on with yo' bad self, fellow voter. In fact, I'm going at 8 AM after school drop-off if you want a ride. But you better believe in that vote you're casting. Don't just cast it out of fear, or because someone filled you up on bull-shit about stacking the Supreme Court. And you better not get vomit in my car once you're done, either. ;)

"...the blood stirs, and the rush reminds us of the intoxicating joys of liberty, in a country of our own making, and of our fathers' and mother's making, in which we revere our freedom and labor for our goods.. hearing the drumbeat of excitement that reminds us that we were born free and urges us on in our determination to die freer yet, so help us God."
-William F. Buckley

Election Day is my very favorite day. It's better than my birthday, and almost better than Christmas. But I only say "almost" because there's only a 50% (or in this case 33%) chance I'm going to get what I asked for. ;)

Happy voting!

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