I want to thank you for finding and turning in my purse today. I'm sorry that I was lazy and didn't put my cart back into the cart holder. I swear I NEVER do that (infact it's one of my pet peeves!), but I'm not feeling very well today (allergies, you know) and after I loaded my bags into my trunk and fished out a throat losenge, I just couldn't be bothered to walk all the way over to the cart corral, so I pushed my cart (purse and all) over into a parking stall with a few other carts. I'm sure that makes your job harder, and I apologize. Imagine my fear when I got home (20 minutes later) and my purse was no where in sight. Perhaps if I had taken the time to go to the cart corral I would have noticed my purse was still in the basket.
So thank you again for finding and turning in my purse (and not stealing my identity). I tried to find you to thank you personally after I drove 100 MPH back to WalMart to fetch my bag (that I could only hope was there), but they told me you had already gone home.
Sheena and Sheena's credit score
Oh my gosh! That is amazing. It is nice to know there are still some decent people out there!