is Obamas pick in the Veep-stakes (I can't help it, I like to say "veep"). It could have been worse. I think he's creepy looking though. Like, Bob Barker creepy. All I see when I look at this picture is the scene in Happy Gilmore when Adam Sandler gets in a fight with Bob Barker. "The price is WRONG" (edited because some people don't like the b*word, although I don't know what good it does to tell you what word I edited out...)

Anyway, I'd really rather discuss Obamas method of announcement: A text message to his supporters. You might be thinking "How 21st century!", but I'm thinking "How American Idol". Admittedly, I considered putting my name on the list of "supporters" all in an effort to receive the news in a more timely mannor. I decided that knowing news faster wasn't worth my pride. ;) (Don't get all bent out of shape and flood my inbox with comments - it's all in good fun!)
I'll tell you, living in this time zone has its perks - I get late breaking news in my evening news that you mainlanders have to wait until morning for!
I'm off to bed, I have a terrible headache. I swear I don't drink enough water here.
Oh, and the bank offered me a job. I'm calling on Monday and accepting! YAY! Its not exactly what I want for the long term, but its something. And with Erik leaving sooner rather than later, I need *something* to keep me busy. My interview today with Goodwill went AMAZINGLY well (Seriously, there isn't a think I'd change about the entire - almost two hour - experience) but they're probably not going to make a decision for a few weeks and I couldn't risk losing the bank offer, even though they're looking for 3 people. I'll admit that I'm secretly hoping Goodwill will call me and make an offer I can't refuse. Thank you so much for your prayers and good thoughts! I REALLY appreciate them!
Yeah on your job, even though it isn't exactly what you want. It can be your 'good for now job!'