Well, Erik is coming home tonight - YAY! I'm pretty excited. It seems like he's been gone awhile (well, almost a month is awhile!). So I've been cleaning up around the house and cashing in on my last few days of single-dom (IE: reading a lot more than usual). I'm not sure why I feel like the house has to be clean when he comes home, he doesn't care and he just dirt-ies it up again, but I do. I think it's because when my dad would go out of town mom would always have the house clean when he came home because he hated coming home to a dirty house. Some things just stick with you, I guess.
Last night was the sign up for the all ranks spouses club on post, so I went and signed up with a friend. They offer groups you can sign up for (I did it to keep me busy while Erik is away) but as I'm typing this I've figured out that I don't get off until 8 and my book club starts at 7. Dang! Maybe I can work it to skip lunch that day and get off at 7 and just be late. Who knows... Crap! And I joined all these groups to keep busy while Erik is away! Anyway, I joined a wine group, a book club, and a game night club.
After the sign up, I went to the PX because I am almost out of perfume. I had every intention of buying a bottle of Chanel Chance (I swear I thought I already had and had stored it in my dresser drawer, but no dice), but when I smelled it again I thought it was kinda too old for me, I settled on Burberry after obsessing for about an hour, and when I got home I re-smelled my Chance arm and I wish I had gotten it! I sprayed so many different perfumes on myself that I had a pretty bad headache after sitting in the car with myself. HAHAHA!
Dave and Vicki will be here in about a week and a half - wer'e stoked! We're all going to Maui at the end of Erik's leave, and just before I start my job. I can't wait! Before that, though, is Erik's PRK. I'm NOT excited. I'm sure it will be fine, but I'm so weird about eyes. I don't want anyone touching mine, or his, or anyone elses for that matter!
Well I'm off to give Baxter a bath, take a shower and drive ALL THE WAY to Pearl City to take a shirt back to Macy's and buy Erik some beer. It seems that the only place that has Sam Adams Seasonal is Sams. Heh.
OH! Please check out this blog. And start paying attention to your pets toys. Thanks to Molly for the heads up! http://www.thechaistory.blogspot.com/
HA ha! You were at the perfume counter for an hour? I don't know how you did it. After while they all smell the same to me. I guess that is why I always get the same one. I need to step out of my comfort zone!