So you may or may not know that the entire island was without power for several hours last night. Well, if you're a news watcher you probably do know, but only because Obama is here and the fact that he and his family were "without power" for 12 hours has been a big deal. I won't bother to tell you that they had 4 generators on the premises. Oh, guess I just did.
I'm going to have to buy some unscented candles. Turns out all we have are super smelly Yankee Candles and when you have about 7 of those in your room (of all different flavors, I might add) you could get a headache. I would know.
And apparently we're supposed to be conserving water now since the pumps were down for so long. Well.... Since I didn't have cable for 6 hours today and didn't get the memo I chose to do the laundry, bathe the dog and do the dishes. Sorry for not doing my part, Hawaii.
But can we talk about how isolated it could make a person feel to look out over the island (we're high up enough to do that) and not see ANYTHING? I looked out last night and all I could see were about 10 houses (out of hundreds of thousands) with lights on. Talk about eerie. Good thing it wasn't a super foggy night -that would have just been too much. But then, I probably wouldn't have been able to tell...
Ahh, but there were jerks with firecrackers that insisted upon lighting up the night. All night.
So maybe I'm a little cranky.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
The Promised Blog
I should have posted this when I was thinking about it, because now I don't remember all the things I wanted to cover. I'll just start and see how far I get.
Last week-ish I got care packages from both Pat and my mom. Care packages from them are so much fun because they toss in whatever they saw that made them think of me. For example: Pat included some magazine pages that had different ways to use edymame because she knows I love it. My mom included a box of Christmas cards she saw with penguins on them, even though she knew I had already sent mine out, just because she saw them and knew she had to get them for me. How do I know this? My mom sticky-noted everything.
My care packages also included penguin items from both moms, and fun socks (with penguins on them) from both moms. What can I say? They know me. I'll have to start wearing real shoes that require socks so they can get some wear-time!
I also got a box from Erik the other day. You might know that we agreed on a $25 limit this year since there wasn't much we needed and we wanted to spend extravagantly while he was on R&R. Well, he emailed the other day and said to expect the package from FedEx and that he *might* have gone over the limit. The pacakge arrived, I opened it up - it's from a jewelry store! I haven't opened the gift yet (I promised I wouldn't) but I can imagine he had to spend over $25. Oh, dang....
Earlier this year I decided I was going to get a pink foil tree and pink oranments (or, ordaments, if you're my sister) and I would call it my "Geographically Single Girls' Christmas Tree" but when I got to WalMart all the little trees were gone and the big ones were like $35, plus I'd then have to buy ornaments, so I decided on a small tree that would sit on my bar. I am very happy with my decision. You can't see that it's lit up because it's fibre-optic and so the light doesn't show up on the camera (at least, that's my theory) but I assure you, it's colorful and bright!
Here is a picture of my Christmas area. I have a few decorations spread around, but this is definitely the most festive area.

Oh, and here are my Christmas flowers that Erik sent me!! They smell SO good with the pine in them. Thanks again honey! You rock!
Last week-ish I got care packages from both Pat and my mom. Care packages from them are so much fun because they toss in whatever they saw that made them think of me. For example: Pat included some magazine pages that had different ways to use edymame because she knows I love it. My mom included a box of Christmas cards she saw with penguins on them, even though she knew I had already sent mine out, just because she saw them and knew she had to get them for me. How do I know this? My mom sticky-noted everything.
My care packages also included penguin items from both moms, and fun socks (with penguins on them) from both moms. What can I say? They know me. I'll have to start wearing real shoes that require socks so they can get some wear-time!
I also got a box from Erik the other day. You might know that we agreed on a $25 limit this year since there wasn't much we needed and we wanted to spend extravagantly while he was on R&R. Well, he emailed the other day and said to expect the package from FedEx and that he *might* have gone over the limit. The pacakge arrived, I opened it up - it's from a jewelry store! I haven't opened the gift yet (I promised I wouldn't) but I can imagine he had to spend over $25. Oh, dang....
Earlier this year I decided I was going to get a pink foil tree and pink oranments (or, ordaments, if you're my sister) and I would call it my "Geographically Single Girls' Christmas Tree" but when I got to WalMart all the little trees were gone and the big ones were like $35, plus I'd then have to buy ornaments, so I decided on a small tree that would sit on my bar. I am very happy with my decision. You can't see that it's lit up because it's fibre-optic and so the light doesn't show up on the camera (at least, that's my theory) but I assure you, it's colorful and bright!
Here is a picture of my Christmas area. I have a few decorations spread around, but this is definitely the most festive area.
Oh, and here are my Christmas flowers that Erik sent me!! They smell SO good with the pine in them. Thanks again honey! You rock!
Also, 3 years ago today Erik and I got engaged. *dreamy sigh* Seriously though, where has the time gone?!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
A day of surprises!
So there I was, minding my own business, arriving home from having brunch at Carmens when I got to my street and there was a strange van parked infront of my house, literally blocking my driveway. Luckily, my brain didn't even think to go to that terrible place many wives of deployed soldiers would go to - I think I was too annoyed, this has happened before (plus it was a super crappy van with a Jesus Rocks sticker on the back - I don't think the Army has Jesus Rocks stickers on its vehicles). Anyway, I get out to go investigate, ready to go door to door to figure out what jerk parked his huge van infront of my driveway, and thats when I noticed him - the man on my porch, with flowers! Pictures of those later though, I'm feeling a bit lazy at the moment. There was also a Christmas package on my porch! YAY!
AND I got some pictures from Erik!
The first one is Erik in front of a mosque.
AND I got some pictures from Erik!
The first one is Erik in front of a mosque.
E at the LZ

And finally, the USO tour came to visit his patrol base this week - this pictures is of him greeting Louis Black (the comedian) - he's yelling over the noise of the helicoptor. Interestingly, Louis Black did a show at my college a few years ago. Being that Southwestern is in the bible belt, most people walked out. Heh. Also on the USO tour were Kellie Pickler and Kid Rock.

And finally, the USO tour came to visit his patrol base this week - this pictures is of him greeting Louis Black (the comedian) - he's yelling over the noise of the helicoptor. Interestingly, Louis Black did a show at my college a few years ago. Being that Southwestern is in the bible belt, most people walked out. Heh. Also on the USO tour were Kellie Pickler and Kid Rock.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
This Wasn't In My Planned Post
but its blog worthy in my opinion.
Last night I woke up in the middle of the night. To thunder. Do you know when the last time I heard thunder was? March. In Oklahoma, the night before we left. Did you know there was a tornado in OKC the night we left? I digress.
The storm dropped more than 12 inches on parts of the island today in a matter of just a few hours. MAJOR highways were closed, there were mud slides, homes flooding, cars flooding (which is a problem in a place where lots of folks live in their cars). The news said it was taking 75-90 minutes to get from Kapolei to Kunia. If you're unfamilar with the area let me break that down for you, that's 75-90 minutes to get from exit 2 to exit 7. That is my route to work and I'm usually annoyed that it takes 20 minutes to get that far in the mornings. Luckily I had to pick up a co-worker and she new a better path that helped us avoid traffic!
You also might not know that people don't take great care of their stuff around here because it's hard to keep things nice when you live by the beach. So there are houses on the North Shore that were built 50 years ago by the owners grandfather and the current owner has done nothing to update the building (things are not made here like they are on the mainland). WELL, that proved a problem today when the rains came and houses literally floated off their foundations... The news said the houses got put right back down, but I'm not sure how that works. And apparently part of the problem was that the city let the dam on the river go in order to relieve some of the pressure put on the dam. I think the jury might still be out on which incident flooded the homes.
And with such a high homeless population this kind of weather sends people into a tail spin (it would me too!). The buses were packed, they had to open Red Cross shelters, it was like a serious natural disaster was occurring. Folks even said it looked like a hurricane outside, which I was VERY uncomfortable hearing.
Things are drying out now, but it's just amazing to me that folks around here had no plans for something like this to happen (and from what I hear, it's not terribly uncommon). People here have retention walls around buildings and homes. And they also have drains that haven't been cleaned out in awhile. Anyone know what that causes? Bueller? That's right, flooding. The city had to come to my office today to clean out the drainage hole because the parking lot was becoming a pond and I guess that was a familiar scene around here today. Why did they not think of this before rainy season? Makes no sense to me.
Oh, and the best part: The standing water is brown. I figured it was just the red dirt (that's right, out of the 3 states I have lived in in my lifetime 2 claim to be the red dirt capitol of the world). Well, the news just said you aren't supposed to go into it or near it if you can avoid it because it is likely over-flow from septic tanks and drainage areas. Delicious. Now my damn grass is just going to grow faster.
Well, I'm going to bed now, grateful to be dry thanks to living up on the hill.
PS - This same storm is bring snow to the top of Mauna Kea (a volcano on the Big Island). Didn't I hear once that an inch of rain = a foot of snow? Geez.
Last night I woke up in the middle of the night. To thunder. Do you know when the last time I heard thunder was? March. In Oklahoma, the night before we left. Did you know there was a tornado in OKC the night we left? I digress.
The storm dropped more than 12 inches on parts of the island today in a matter of just a few hours. MAJOR highways were closed, there were mud slides, homes flooding, cars flooding (which is a problem in a place where lots of folks live in their cars). The news said it was taking 75-90 minutes to get from Kapolei to Kunia. If you're unfamilar with the area let me break that down for you, that's 75-90 minutes to get from exit 2 to exit 7. That is my route to work and I'm usually annoyed that it takes 20 minutes to get that far in the mornings. Luckily I had to pick up a co-worker and she new a better path that helped us avoid traffic!
You also might not know that people don't take great care of their stuff around here because it's hard to keep things nice when you live by the beach. So there are houses on the North Shore that were built 50 years ago by the owners grandfather and the current owner has done nothing to update the building (things are not made here like they are on the mainland). WELL, that proved a problem today when the rains came and houses literally floated off their foundations... The news said the houses got put right back down, but I'm not sure how that works. And apparently part of the problem was that the city let the dam on the river go in order to relieve some of the pressure put on the dam. I think the jury might still be out on which incident flooded the homes.
And with such a high homeless population this kind of weather sends people into a tail spin (it would me too!). The buses were packed, they had to open Red Cross shelters, it was like a serious natural disaster was occurring. Folks even said it looked like a hurricane outside, which I was VERY uncomfortable hearing.
Things are drying out now, but it's just amazing to me that folks around here had no plans for something like this to happen (and from what I hear, it's not terribly uncommon). People here have retention walls around buildings and homes. And they also have drains that haven't been cleaned out in awhile. Anyone know what that causes? Bueller? That's right, flooding. The city had to come to my office today to clean out the drainage hole because the parking lot was becoming a pond and I guess that was a familiar scene around here today. Why did they not think of this before rainy season? Makes no sense to me.
Oh, and the best part: The standing water is brown. I figured it was just the red dirt (that's right, out of the 3 states I have lived in in my lifetime 2 claim to be the red dirt capitol of the world). Well, the news just said you aren't supposed to go into it or near it if you can avoid it because it is likely over-flow from septic tanks and drainage areas. Delicious. Now my damn grass is just going to grow faster.
Well, I'm going to bed now, grateful to be dry thanks to living up on the hill.
PS - This same storm is bring snow to the top of Mauna Kea (a volcano on the Big Island). Didn't I hear once that an inch of rain = a foot of snow? Geez.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Real Quick
I have a lot to blog about, and there are lots of pictures involved. But I also have a goal of being in bed by 8 tonight and it's already 7:53. People, I'm exhausted. I don't remember being this tired when I had the dang mono. Rest assured, I don't re-have the mono.
That said, here's what I do have for tonight:

That said, here's what I do have for tonight:

Sunday, December 7, 2008
Pay Day in Iraq
This morning I got an email from my lovely friend Lindsay. We met Linds and her husband Jim at CCC in OK, at the same time we met Rich and Melissa. Lindsays brother-in-law, Lou, is deployed to the same-ish area as Erik and I guess he sent this picture home to the fam and Linds noticed that Erik was in the back ground! (BTW, you guessed right, poor Jim's mom has two sons deployed... Bless her heart!)
So, here's the picture that Lindsay sent!
So, here's the picture that Lindsay sent!
Here's my question - isn't the dude in the undershirt, sweater and blazer a little toasty? It is the desert, after all... And here's my other question - is that a can of pop in front of Erik? I don't think I have EVER seen him drink a can of pop before. Do you call it pop? I call it either pop or coke. Never soda.
Also, I have some unsettling news and would appreciate any prayers that you could send my way. The program I work for is contracted by the state of Hawaii and the contract is up for review. Long story short, they are going to break the program up into two clusters and allow different companies to "bid" on one of the two clusters - however no company can win both. The top "bidder" will be awarded what they are calling Cluster 1, and the runner up with be awarded what they call Cluster 2. Well, Goodwill will almost certainly win Cluster 1, however my office is in Cluster 2. The point is that when the new contracts start on March 1st I could be out of a job, at least the job that I have. There is always the chance the new company will hire me (and I could make more money that way because both the "front runners" are for-profit organizations) but if not, Goodwill is saying that they "will make every effort" to place us within the organization, however the program I work for is the largest so I would almost certainly take a pay cut, and who knows what that could mean for my commute. I am sick to my stomach at the thought of having to look for another job, but especially while Erik has gone. The last couple of months have literally FLOWN by, and if I'm stuck at home, unemployed, they're going to start dragging.
I know there is nothing I can do but wait at this point (we should know who wins which contracts by the 1st-ish of February) so I'm trying not to worry, but it's hard. I don't want to lose my mind... So, any good thoughts you could send my way would be MUCH appreciated it. You know me, I can't stand the feeling of being out of control.
Okay well I'm off. Baxy wants some dinner.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
You may or may not know that I'm afraid of pirates. You also may or may not know that I don't go on cruises. A) Because I get sea sick and B) Because I'm afraid of pirates and C) Because what if someone is after you? (like pirates...) There's no where to go hide!
For years people would poke fun at the silly girl who thought Pirates of the Caribbean was a horror movie because "Pirates aren't a problem any more". Well to that I say "B.S.!" As if the recent months hijackings aren't proof enough, here's this:
Sleep well America. I'll probably be having nightmares of pirates tonight.
For years people would poke fun at the silly girl who thought Pirates of the Caribbean was a horror movie because "Pirates aren't a problem any more". Well to that I say "B.S.!" As if the recent months hijackings aren't proof enough, here's this:
Sleep well America. I'll probably be having nightmares of pirates tonight.
Monday, December 1, 2008
So one of the biggest pains of having your husband deployed is that he's not around to help you with the things he would ordinarily have helped with. I can make concessions for the yard, and the dishes, and occasionally switching over the laundry - that slack is easily picked up. But when things happen like your car needs to go to the shop, it's a big production.
How do I know? My husband is deployed and my car needs to go to the shop - and it's a big production! Not to mention annoying because the car is brand spanking new. Thankfully I have a friend willing to help me out, and I'd happily do it for her, but it's little things like "Oh my husband can just pick me up" that you take advantage of when it's available. And then you have to worry about "So if I get to the dealership at 7AM, the dog will be in his crate for 10 hours - that won't work" (Better email Melissa again... Hahaha! No pressure Melissa! I owe you Itallian Deliciousness!!)
In other news (because I'm getting on my own nerves) I'm sending Christmas packages on Friday. Well, I'm sending Erik's and Ichi's tomorow (hopefully I'll have a car!) and then I'm sending the mainlanders on Friday. Did you know you can print postage online now and you don't have to wait in line that the post office? It's amazing! And you get a discount!
Thanksgiving in Paradise was lovely. Good friends, good food, new friends, new food. Fun was had. Erik's Thanksgiving was good too, from what I hear. Ham, turkey, lobster, fixins and ice cream for dessert. I'd imagine ice cream is pretty hard to come by in the desert.
Okay, I've done my triple check of all the locks on the door and now I'm going to bed. Baxter and I are getting up early tomorrow to go on a walk. Hopefully.
Until next time!
How do I know? My husband is deployed and my car needs to go to the shop - and it's a big production! Not to mention annoying because the car is brand spanking new. Thankfully I have a friend willing to help me out, and I'd happily do it for her, but it's little things like "Oh my husband can just pick me up" that you take advantage of when it's available. And then you have to worry about "So if I get to the dealership at 7AM, the dog will be in his crate for 10 hours - that won't work" (Better email Melissa again... Hahaha! No pressure Melissa! I owe you Itallian Deliciousness!!)
In other news (because I'm getting on my own nerves) I'm sending Christmas packages on Friday. Well, I'm sending Erik's and Ichi's tomorow (hopefully I'll have a car!) and then I'm sending the mainlanders on Friday. Did you know you can print postage online now and you don't have to wait in line that the post office? It's amazing! And you get a discount!
Thanksgiving in Paradise was lovely. Good friends, good food, new friends, new food. Fun was had. Erik's Thanksgiving was good too, from what I hear. Ham, turkey, lobster, fixins and ice cream for dessert. I'd imagine ice cream is pretty hard to come by in the desert.
Okay, I've done my triple check of all the locks on the door and now I'm going to bed. Baxter and I are getting up early tomorrow to go on a walk. Hopefully.
Until next time!
Monday, November 24, 2008
According to my Donut of Misery*, we're already more than 10% done with the deployment! As such, I've finally decided to put away the shoes that Erik left by the door.
*A Donut of Misery is an excel worksheet that shows the time left in a deployment on a pie chart. Pie graph = donut. Deployment = misery.
I'm gonna go work on Christmas cards!
*A Donut of Misery is an excel worksheet that shows the time left in a deployment on a pie chart. Pie graph = donut. Deployment = misery.
I'm gonna go work on Christmas cards!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Nicholas Sparks Strikes Again
So a few months ago I tried to get Erik to go see Nights in Rodanthe with me. He resisted - rembering the production that was the night we watched The Notebook (as this was written by the same author), but as I recall he ended up agreeing to go. I felt guilty making him see another movie he didn't want to see (although, I sat through Batman, Indiana Jones AND that damn Zohan movie...) so we never did.
Well on Saturday, Nights was playing on post and I decided to test my independence and go alone. I've never been to the movies on post before so I don't know if this is common place but before the movie even gets started you have to stand for a Star Spangled Banner music video. And the video is of Tropic Lightning soldiers in Iraq. Oh that made my dang day. So I started to tear up then and pretty much never stopped.
This is pretty similar to what happened during The Notebook. For those of you who don't know, when I was in college I worked at a video store so I was able to rent movies before they were actually available to the public. Well, one weekend I went to Lawton to see Erik and brought along my early release copy of The Notebook because my DVD player was broken. Erik, still trying to make a good impression because we'd only been dating 3 or 4 months, agreed to watch it with me. Well in true Sheena fashion, I started crying about 20 minutes in and didn't stop until the movie was over. For 2 hours he sat through me sniffling, crying, eating candy hearts and repeating the process. It's a wonder I didn't scare him away. A couple weeks later was Valentines Day - he gave me my own copy of the move, and a DVD player, probably so I never had to put him through that again. Hah! Those days seem like so long ago right now.
In other news, it's been pretty chilly today. If you don't laugh, I'll tell the temprature. About 72 degrees. Seriously, I'm wearing my flannel PJs right now - when did I become so pansy?
Well on Saturday, Nights was playing on post and I decided to test my independence and go alone. I've never been to the movies on post before so I don't know if this is common place but before the movie even gets started you have to stand for a Star Spangled Banner music video. And the video is of Tropic Lightning soldiers in Iraq. Oh that made my dang day. So I started to tear up then and pretty much never stopped.
This is pretty similar to what happened during The Notebook. For those of you who don't know, when I was in college I worked at a video store so I was able to rent movies before they were actually available to the public. Well, one weekend I went to Lawton to see Erik and brought along my early release copy of The Notebook because my DVD player was broken. Erik, still trying to make a good impression because we'd only been dating 3 or 4 months, agreed to watch it with me. Well in true Sheena fashion, I started crying about 20 minutes in and didn't stop until the movie was over. For 2 hours he sat through me sniffling, crying, eating candy hearts and repeating the process. It's a wonder I didn't scare him away. A couple weeks later was Valentines Day - he gave me my own copy of the move, and a DVD player, probably so I never had to put him through that again. Hah! Those days seem like so long ago right now.
In other news, it's been pretty chilly today. If you don't laugh, I'll tell the temprature. About 72 degrees. Seriously, I'm wearing my flannel PJs right now - when did I become so pansy?
I can’t remember all the times I tried to tell myself
To hold on to these moments as they pass
-Counting Crows
Friday, November 14, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Happy Veterans Day!
As someone with 2 grandfathers that fought in WWII, it's hard for me to picture a veteran as anything other than an old man - nvermind the fact that my own husband has himself earned the title (twice-over, *sigh*). Its not a sacrifice I could make, and I thank God every day that there were and are men and women braver than I, willing to take on the task of fighting for our freedom. And along those same lines, I ask God every night to comfort the families of those who didn't get to come back home.
It's hard for me to believe this picture is just a couple of years old, and that these are some of the faces of Americas veterans. We appreciate you!
It's hard for me to believe this picture is just a couple of years old, and that these are some of the faces of Americas veterans. We appreciate you!
I'm so proud of you, E.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Am I a filthy sinner?
Yesterday my door bell rang and it was two ladies peddaling Jesus. I took their literature and went on about my day.
20 minutes later it rang again. A man offering to clean our carpets. I say "I don't have any carpet" (a lie, guess I should read the literature...) and he said "We can clean your furniture, or even your car upholstery". I said "No thanks" and he kept pushing and finally I was like "Don't waste your time, I said no thanks dude." Then he high fived me. Strange.
Then I went Christmas shopping. In bermuda shorts. Also strange.
Today I have many errands to run as Christmas seems to come faster here than on the mainland (or could it be that I have to ship things weeks in advance?). It's so very strange to feel like it's June and be staning in the Chrimstas section. BTW, the Christmas Section at WalMart is the Garden Spot. BUT the Garden Spot is a year-round thing here too. So think: aisles 1, 2, 3: Christmas, aisles 4-8: Fertilizer.
I sure do love the screaming Children and adults next door... If they didn't scream SO often, I might actually think something was wrong.
Off to get my day started! :)
20 minutes later it rang again. A man offering to clean our carpets. I say "I don't have any carpet" (a lie, guess I should read the literature...) and he said "We can clean your furniture, or even your car upholstery". I said "No thanks" and he kept pushing and finally I was like "Don't waste your time, I said no thanks dude." Then he high fived me. Strange.
Then I went Christmas shopping. In bermuda shorts. Also strange.
Today I have many errands to run as Christmas seems to come faster here than on the mainland (or could it be that I have to ship things weeks in advance?). It's so very strange to feel like it's June and be staning in the Chrimstas section. BTW, the Christmas Section at WalMart is the Garden Spot. BUT the Garden Spot is a year-round thing here too. So think: aisles 1, 2, 3: Christmas, aisles 4-8: Fertilizer.
I sure do love the screaming Children and adults next door... If they didn't scream SO often, I might actually think something was wrong.
Off to get my day started! :)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Erik finally told me where he hid (re: keeps) the batteries, so now I can show you Baxters Halloweenie shirt. You can't see it too well, because he hates having his picture made, but it's a skeleton and the red spot is a little red heart. He was so cute, too bad he had to be a jerk and ruin it...

Erik called last night. I expected nothing less. Heh. He's been very busy, but he's doing well, which is great. He said that the other day the local mayor took a few guys to tour some old ruins as a going away gift to the unit that is leaving. The area he is in is a very historic, very holy area (of course, isn't all of it? Hah!) so I think this was an excellent opportunity for him. Here are some pictures from their excursion.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Just Say No To Socialism in 2008

If you're looking for me tomorrow, you'll find me infront of my television. I'll be the one clinging to my guns and religion...
//update// I am so ridiculous, I can't sleep because I'm so anxious for tomorrow, and I have to be up at 5 to drive into Honolulu. Is it wrong that I want to call in just so I can sit infront of my television all day. THIS is the problem with living in a crazy different time zone. Well, the problem is me. The time zone just contributes to my insanity. I remember being this nervous when I was 16 for the 2000 elections. I'm at least 10x more invested now... I have got to find a way to go to sleep though. I'm out!
PS - If you happen to live in Garfield County (((Mom...))), Frank Lucas would appreciate your vote for Oklahomas 3rd Congressional District.
PSS - If you live in Custer County, I don't care if you vote for a rhino, just don't vote for Harold Wright. He owes me money. Seriously.
Excuse me,
but wasn't anyone going to tell me that I added hours on to the time difference instead of taking an hour off?
Remind me not to catch on fire around you people, you probably won't even remind me to stop, drop and roll.
Remind me not to catch on fire around you people, you probably won't even remind me to stop, drop and roll.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Update on Otters
I've been getting some flack about the otter thing - especially from my mother, who I didn't know was such a friend of the otters. I wasn't *saying* otters were jerks, I was asking... I think I heard somewhere they had bad attitudes. How could something that cute be a jerk, you might be asking. Well, from what I understand, penguins (which in my opinion are the cutest of cute) are kind of jerks too. I think I'll watch Happy Feet this weekend. I just love when that little guy dances!
In other news, Baxter is becoming a rude ass. Not a dog whose ass is rude, but a rude, ass of a dog. When it was time to go into his cage this morning he jumped on the couch and I had to bait him off, then tonight he frightened the heck out of some trick or treaters this evening (of which I had many, thank you! I ran out of candy and had to turn my light off at 7:15 - of course that could be because all the ghetto areas on the island export their children to our side, thus making me sit in traffic for a dang hour) and so he had to stay in the bathroom while I was passing out candy - which is really too bad because I got him the cutest Halloweenie shirt. I took picutres before he was banished to the bathroom for barking at a vampire, though. I'm sure he's feeling attention starved, but dang! Erik thinks that he knows that the disciplinarian is gone so he's testing his boundaries. Well, he can test his boundaries while he sleeps on the dang floor tonight. We've spoiled him too darn much. Ugh.
And in not-so-related news, I am mourning the loss of daylight savings. (I am also mourning the loss of my sanity from the baby crying for the last HOUR down the street...) Did you know that Hawaii doesn't observe daylight savings? Well, I didn't. It makes sense, but it still sucks and here's why:
1. Everyone else does. Now I'll be 6 hours ahead of OK and 7 ahead of NH. 7 hours might as well be a whole day.
2. You might not know this about me, but fall back is just about my favorite time of year. I like nothing more than waking up early when I feel like I've gotten an obscene amount of sleep. Yes, I heart fall back. When I'm governor of Hawaii, we will observe daylight savings.
Tomorrow Baxter is going to the groomers and I'm going to putz around in town. Then Melissa and I are heading to see Changling. Sunday is church and then SALTAMBANCO! (A traveling cirque du soleil. Should be loverly.
But for now, I'm going to bed. I feel like I haven't slept in a month of Sundays. G'night!
PS - A year ago today we found out we were moving here. Could someone please tell me where the heck the time is going? Hmm. This time last year I was praying for time to slow down, and now I'm praying for the days to tick by faster... Isn't it funny how we wish time away when it already moves so quickly?
In other news, Baxter is becoming a rude ass. Not a dog whose ass is rude, but a rude, ass of a dog. When it was time to go into his cage this morning he jumped on the couch and I had to bait him off, then tonight he frightened the heck out of some trick or treaters this evening (of which I had many, thank you! I ran out of candy and had to turn my light off at 7:15 - of course that could be because all the ghetto areas on the island export their children to our side, thus making me sit in traffic for a dang hour) and so he had to stay in the bathroom while I was passing out candy - which is really too bad because I got him the cutest Halloweenie shirt. I took picutres before he was banished to the bathroom for barking at a vampire, though. I'm sure he's feeling attention starved, but dang! Erik thinks that he knows that the disciplinarian is gone so he's testing his boundaries. Well, he can test his boundaries while he sleeps on the dang floor tonight. We've spoiled him too darn much. Ugh.
And in not-so-related news, I am mourning the loss of daylight savings. (I am also mourning the loss of my sanity from the baby crying for the last HOUR down the street...) Did you know that Hawaii doesn't observe daylight savings? Well, I didn't. It makes sense, but it still sucks and here's why:
1. Everyone else does. Now I'll be 6 hours ahead of OK and 7 ahead of NH. 7 hours might as well be a whole day.
2. You might not know this about me, but fall back is just about my favorite time of year. I like nothing more than waking up early when I feel like I've gotten an obscene amount of sleep. Yes, I heart fall back. When I'm governor of Hawaii, we will observe daylight savings.
Tomorrow Baxter is going to the groomers and I'm going to putz around in town. Then Melissa and I are heading to see Changling. Sunday is church and then SALTAMBANCO! (A traveling cirque du soleil. Should be loverly.
But for now, I'm going to bed. I feel like I haven't slept in a month of Sundays. G'night!
PS - A year ago today we found out we were moving here. Could someone please tell me where the heck the time is going? Hmm. This time last year I was praying for time to slow down, and now I'm praying for the days to tick by faster... Isn't it funny how we wish time away when it already moves so quickly?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Open Letter
Dear annoyingly loud horse type dog that lives next door:
I don't appreciate you waking me up an hour before my alarm clock. Shut the heck up, would ya?
I don't appreciate you waking me up an hour before my alarm clock. Shut the heck up, would ya?
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Still Kickin'
I guess I haven't updated in awhile. I have gotten several emails/messages from folks just checking in on me, so I figured I should check in with those of you in cyber-land also. And thanks to those who did/have/will check in on me, I'm lucky to have you in my life!
So today I went to the dentist. It was SUUUPER rainy out, and I wore long sleeves (well, 3/4 sleeves - I don't think I own actual long sleeves anymore!) and jeans, AND I had to turn on the heater in the car. Not full blast of course, but it was something! I love the smell of the heater. Yes, I know how weird that is.
Things are going good here. I'm keeping VERY busy. Katie was here last week so that occoupied a lot of my time and got me over the hump. This weekend has been low key (barring the hour and a half I spent getting my tooth drilled at the dentist), which is what I was looking for. Its been raining all day so Baxter and I napped on the couch with the windows open so we could listen to it while we slept. We even got to get out a blanket! I miss seasons...
In Erik's email today he said they lost power in their building last night so the A/C was off. Lets dissect that sentence, shall we? Keywords here are: building and air conditioning. My heart leapt for joy when I read that. I'm sorry the power went out, but he lives in a building with air conditioning! How exciting!!
After the dentist but before the napping I went to Safeway because Erik wanted me to put some "good" coffee in his care package and I decided I would bang out my shopping for the next few weeks/month while I was there. I had several items when I got to the coffee aisle and realized it was about $6 more than on post. I put my items back and drove to Schofield. A few cents or a buck here and there for convenience sake is fine, but couple that with an extra $6 for coffee plus having to pay tax and I'm out. I can make the 15 minute drive. So I did. And I told you all that to tell you this: When Erik was home and I'd go to the store, I could tell the wives whose husbands were gone. They had salad, a small jug of milk, the half carton of eggs, frozen meals and random odds and ends like cereal and Special K bars. It made me sad when I realized in line today that you could tell Erik was gone by the contents of my basket. Veggies, enough Healthy Choice meals to last until Jesus comes, cups of soup, salad dressing, a small jug of milk and 3 types of cereal bar/breakfast bar.
Alright well I'm heading to bed. Melissa and I are going to church on post tomorrow. I hope I like it!!
G'night all!
And all I have now is the truth that I've found, life has a way of just spinning around and around and around...
So today I went to the dentist. It was SUUUPER rainy out, and I wore long sleeves (well, 3/4 sleeves - I don't think I own actual long sleeves anymore!) and jeans, AND I had to turn on the heater in the car. Not full blast of course, but it was something! I love the smell of the heater. Yes, I know how weird that is.
Things are going good here. I'm keeping VERY busy. Katie was here last week so that occoupied a lot of my time and got me over the hump. This weekend has been low key (barring the hour and a half I spent getting my tooth drilled at the dentist), which is what I was looking for. Its been raining all day so Baxter and I napped on the couch with the windows open so we could listen to it while we slept. We even got to get out a blanket! I miss seasons...
In Erik's email today he said they lost power in their building last night so the A/C was off. Lets dissect that sentence, shall we? Keywords here are: building and air conditioning. My heart leapt for joy when I read that. I'm sorry the power went out, but he lives in a building with air conditioning! How exciting!!
After the dentist but before the napping I went to Safeway because Erik wanted me to put some "good" coffee in his care package and I decided I would bang out my shopping for the next few weeks/month while I was there. I had several items when I got to the coffee aisle and realized it was about $6 more than on post. I put my items back and drove to Schofield. A few cents or a buck here and there for convenience sake is fine, but couple that with an extra $6 for coffee plus having to pay tax and I'm out. I can make the 15 minute drive. So I did. And I told you all that to tell you this: When Erik was home and I'd go to the store, I could tell the wives whose husbands were gone. They had salad, a small jug of milk, the half carton of eggs, frozen meals and random odds and ends like cereal and Special K bars. It made me sad when I realized in line today that you could tell Erik was gone by the contents of my basket. Veggies, enough Healthy Choice meals to last until Jesus comes, cups of soup, salad dressing, a small jug of milk and 3 types of cereal bar/breakfast bar.
Alright well I'm heading to bed. Melissa and I are going to church on post tomorrow. I hope I like it!!
G'night all!
And all I have now is the truth that I've found, life has a way of just spinning around and around and around...
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
For those of you who don't know
Erik gave Baxter a bath once a week. Sundays, usually.
Well two, maybe 3 Sundays have passed since Baxters last bath and I'm here to tell you: he stinks so bad I woke up in the middle of the night the other night just from the smell of him all the way on the other side of the bed. I made him go down to the floor a) because I wanted to turn over and I could fall asleep with his nastiness getting the way and b) if he's stinks that bad, why is he on my comforter?
So I'm taking him to the bath. Sorry this post was so lame. Better luck next time! ;)
///edit/// I'm giving you more because that one was terrible. It'll be in list form though because I don't feel like working very hard.
1. Baxter is now silky smooth.
2. I almost died on H1 today. Seriously. At about 40MPH a jerk in a hatchback almost ended me.
3. One of my clients is in jail. That's right, she couldn't go to work because she was in jail. *sigh*
4. KTK is headed back to the motherland as we speak. :(
5. I had sushi for dinner.
6. Erik called. He sounds good.
I'm probably going to bed now.
Well two, maybe 3 Sundays have passed since Baxters last bath and I'm here to tell you: he stinks so bad I woke up in the middle of the night the other night just from the smell of him all the way on the other side of the bed. I made him go down to the floor a) because I wanted to turn over and I could fall asleep with his nastiness getting the way and b) if he's stinks that bad, why is he on my comforter?
So I'm taking him to the bath. Sorry this post was so lame. Better luck next time! ;)
///edit/// I'm giving you more because that one was terrible. It'll be in list form though because I don't feel like working very hard.
1. Baxter is now silky smooth.
2. I almost died on H1 today. Seriously. At about 40MPH a jerk in a hatchback almost ended me.
3. One of my clients is in jail. That's right, she couldn't go to work because she was in jail. *sigh*
4. KTK is headed back to the motherland as we speak. :(
5. I had sushi for dinner.
6. Erik called. He sounds good.
I'm probably going to bed now.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
So the day started with the phone ringing at 5:25AM. Someone didn't realize Erik was leaving that day and therefore did NOT know what was going on the following Thursday. Anyway, we were up, so we decided to make some coffee that we picked up in Maui (they call it the champagne of coffee and it was amazing - which it should be for about $9/pot) and go to the top of the hill to watch the sun set. It was lovely and I can't believe we'd never done it before! I took some pictures but they didn't really turn out.
So then we came home, got ready for the day, ran a few errands and then Erik packed his last bag. After that, we hung out a little and then headed to post.
And now, pictures!
Erik packing his carry on. I have no idea what all that crap is.
Saying goodbye to Baxter...
About to leave for post. :(
About to leave...
I just liked how everyone from E's BN had thier bags all lined up nicely away from everyone elses. So I took a picture.
So that's that...
So then we came home, got ready for the day, ran a few errands and then Erik packed his last bag. After that, we hung out a little and then headed to post.
And now, pictures!
So that's that...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
He's gone.
And now it's back to carrying my cell phone with me, even to the shower. And it's back to counting the days until we're together again.
I took lots of pictures of our last day together for awhile (just for you, Lyle and Lorene! Well maybe for my scrapbook too...), but I'm going to have to post them later. I'm just too wiped out - I'm taking my glass of wine, my half eaten bag of Milano cookies, my dog, and going to bed. It's time to learn to sleep alone.
I promise not to be Debbie Downer for the whole deployment, but give me today (or maybe the rest of the week). I just... this seemed a lot easier last time.
I took lots of pictures of our last day together for awhile (just for you, Lyle and Lorene! Well maybe for my scrapbook too...), but I'm going to have to post them later. I'm just too wiped out - I'm taking my glass of wine, my half eaten bag of Milano cookies, my dog, and going to bed. It's time to learn to sleep alone.
I promise not to be Debbie Downer for the whole deployment, but give me today (or maybe the rest of the week). I just... this seemed a lot easier last time.
Tears are forming in your eyes
A storm is warning in the skies
The end of the world it seems
You bend down and fall on your knees
Well get back on your feet
Don't look away
Don't run away
Baby it's only life
Don't lose your faith
Don't run away
It's only life
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Quick Update
So work is going well. I feel like I'm bringing home work every night. No, I'm not getting paid overtime, but I just have SO much to do and no-brainer tasks (organization of paperwork) and the like are getting in my way. So until I can get caught up on things that HAVE to be done during the day, homework is my fate. Although I'm trying to avoid bringing much since I don't have much longer with Erik home. After that, I'm sure I'll be glad to have extra work to fill my evenings (although in theory I should be caught up by then... God willing).
I got my first pay check today - YAY!! AND as a bonus for bringing home work all the time, I decided I needed a new tote. I wanted a leather one initially, but I decided I'd save some money and just get a new Vera Bag. I'm pretty stoked. I was going to post a link for you to look at it, but I can't without showing the price, and thats weird. I'm pissed now though. I thought I was getting a great deal at the PX and it's on sale on the VeraBradley website. I paid $12 more than necessary! Although, I guess shipping to paradise would have made up for the savings... Either way, AAFES is falling down on the job. Gas is cheaper in town than on post today (BTW, we're BELOW $4/gallon for the first time since we got here!)
Okay, so since Erik is going to be leaving soon, you won't get many updates out of me before then. BUT I don't want to leaving you hanging - so I've saved the best for last! Pictures of our trip to Massachusetts! No, I do not recommend flying across the freakin' world for a weekend (okay, so it might not have been that long but damn it felt like it!) but for the most part a great time was had.
Here we go! Oh. Have we talked about how blogger is gay and won't let me put the pictures in the places I want, in the order I want? I'm lucky I can put damn captions in. I miss xanga.
So here's Pat and Ken dancing. You can see Erik and I in the back ground. I think it's fun.
The gang. Minus the bride and groom. Where were they!?
Erik and I dancing.
So rewind back to the rehearsal dinner - Erik and I and Dave and Vicki bought matching Hawaiian outfits. This is the worst picture ever, but at least you get the idea. And yes, the bride and groom got their own matching outfits also.
Erik and I infront of the pumpkin fountain. Look over here, buddy! Maybe Ken has a better one.
The fam infront of the pumpkin fountain. I guess it was more of a waterfall that they had turned off and decorated for autumn. I miss autumn.
This was Lori, Vic and I before the wedding. Lori and I had recently purchased the largest sunglasses we could find.
Oh, and now we're back to the reception. Here's me and Lori. I HEART her!

So that's that. I'm off for Itallian Deliciousness with Erik, Rich and Melissa. Got to get all the good eatin' in before the boys leave!
I got my first pay check today - YAY!! AND as a bonus for bringing home work all the time, I decided I needed a new tote. I wanted a leather one initially, but I decided I'd save some money and just get a new Vera Bag. I'm pretty stoked. I was going to post a link for you to look at it, but I can't without showing the price, and thats weird. I'm pissed now though. I thought I was getting a great deal at the PX and it's on sale on the VeraBradley website. I paid $12 more than necessary! Although, I guess shipping to paradise would have made up for the savings... Either way, AAFES is falling down on the job. Gas is cheaper in town than on post today (BTW, we're BELOW $4/gallon for the first time since we got here!)
Okay, so since Erik is going to be leaving soon, you won't get many updates out of me before then. BUT I don't want to leaving you hanging - so I've saved the best for last! Pictures of our trip to Massachusetts! No, I do not recommend flying across the freakin' world for a weekend (okay, so it might not have been that long but damn it felt like it!) but for the most part a great time was had.
Here we go! Oh. Have we talked about how blogger is gay and won't let me put the pictures in the places I want, in the order I want? I'm lucky I can put damn captions in. I miss xanga.
So here's Pat and Ken dancing. You can see Erik and I in the back ground. I think it's fun.

So that's that. I'm off for Itallian Deliciousness with Erik, Rich and Melissa. Got to get all the good eatin' in before the boys leave!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Somebody's Someone
To the world he was a total stranger
Who kept us safe and out of danger
But now he's just a picture on TV
Somebody's memory
He was somebody's someone
Have you ever had an entire set of friends that you've never even met? I do, and I don't know what I'd do without them.
A few years ago when planning our wedding I stumbled across a message board for military brides - I quickly became an addict. Though we've been married over a year, I still frequent the board as some of the women on there have become very dear to me. Many of us are married now, having children (or 2 or 3 or 4), infact the "brides" population is probably the minority - once you join, you really can't leave. We are each others rocks. We've seen eachother through deployments, weddings, divorces, children, sickness and tragedy. Through ups and downs we are there for each other - funny, since sometimes we don't even know eachothers last names. We are held together with a bond that only we understand - what it's like to be a military wife. And right now, one of us is living our collective worst nightmare.
Cpt. Mike Medders was killed in Iraq last week. That's where the lyrics at the top of this blog come from. Cpt. Medders was somebody's someone, and that someone was our Stacey. She is the second of us MBs to lose her fiance/husband overseas, and unfortunately she probably won't be the last. But thank God we have eachother. We're all devastated, even those who didn't "know" her very well - because she is one of us, and that made him one of us.
Rest in peace, Cpt. Medders. Thank you for your service and your bravery. You will never be forgotten, even by those of us who never knew you.
Please take a minute to pray for Stacey, and their families. I know they need every one that they can get.
Who kept us safe and out of danger
But now he's just a picture on TV
Somebody's memory
He was somebody's someone
Have you ever had an entire set of friends that you've never even met? I do, and I don't know what I'd do without them.
A few years ago when planning our wedding I stumbled across a message board for military brides - I quickly became an addict. Though we've been married over a year, I still frequent the board as some of the women on there have become very dear to me. Many of us are married now, having children (or 2 or 3 or 4), infact the "brides" population is probably the minority - once you join, you really can't leave. We are each others rocks. We've seen eachother through deployments, weddings, divorces, children, sickness and tragedy. Through ups and downs we are there for each other - funny, since sometimes we don't even know eachothers last names. We are held together with a bond that only we understand - what it's like to be a military wife. And right now, one of us is living our collective worst nightmare.
Cpt. Mike Medders was killed in Iraq last week. That's where the lyrics at the top of this blog come from. Cpt. Medders was somebody's someone, and that someone was our Stacey. She is the second of us MBs to lose her fiance/husband overseas, and unfortunately she probably won't be the last. But thank God we have eachother. We're all devastated, even those who didn't "know" her very well - because she is one of us, and that made him one of us.
Rest in peace, Cpt. Medders. Thank you for your service and your bravery. You will never be forgotten, even by those of us who never knew you.
Please take a minute to pray for Stacey, and their families. I know they need every one that they can get.
Friday, September 26, 2008
I forgot to post pictures from our Thanksgiving Extravaganza!
The turkey turned out well (Carmen came and helped me prep it the day before and then she and John came over early to help me flip it halfway through the cooking - it ensures a more moist bird, at least that's what Martha Stewart - and Carmen - say). Thanks to Carmen for helping! And if you're reading this (which I'm not sure you do) have that baby already! ;)
Eaters of dinner
A school of Salmon. Get it? Man I crack myself up.
Yay food!
Erik having pie. And pleased about it.
Carmen and I split dessert because we wanted to try everything but didn't want to eat whole pieces. Baxter was just hoping for a nibble.
Lindsay isn't the only one
having trouble leaving comments - every time I try to, I get a "busy signal" from the internet. Someone call Al Gore and tell him I'd dissatisfied.
So work is going well. I'm through training and I'll be in my office (re: cubicle) tomorrow, all by my lonesome. I think I'll be okay though - today I was SUPER busy in another office, so I learned a LOT! For those of you who don't know, here's the breakdown of what I do: The state of Hawaii only allows cizens to be on "assistance" for 5 years. After 5 years you are done. No loop hole, no moving to another state, NOTHING, you are on your own. Well, in order to keep their assistance (and hopefully become self sufficient) the state has a program in which they partner with community business and agree to reiburse wages ($7.25/hour plus 50 cents for every dollar on top of that) in return for the employer hiring one of our clients (who may or may not be reliable/willing/experienced), with the idea that the employee will receive the training they need to do the job. That's where I come in. Basically I match the clients with the jobs they like and try to make them fit. If they don't fit, I find something else. If the employee won't work, I recommend that they get their benefits taken away. Basically I'm a social worker without a license, but technically I don't work for the state so I get paid better! ;) It's fun, but my GOD it's a lot of paperwork and record keeping. Luckily I'm crazy anal enough to almost enjoy that sort of thing.
So in a few days Erik and I take off for Massachusetts to see some folks and attend a wedding before d-day. I'm really looking forward to it. I miss having Dave and Vicki around! But truthfully I'm dreading watching Erik say goodbye to everyone. I hate goodbyes, even when they're not my own.
So do you watch the Houston Animal Cops? If you don't, don't start. If you do, you know our plight. We watch it A LOT and each time we look at eachother and say "I want another dog", and we found one online too - at the MAUI SPCA. Erik was FULLY ready to ferry to Maui and back on Saturday to "interview" him with Bax and go pick him up (his name is Harry, but I was pusshing to change it to Kevin) but when I emailed, he already had a home. :( You'd think we'd have learned our lesson of adopting from the SPCA the first time... Maybe instead of adopting another dog with only one "parent" home, we should just donate.
Oh! And now some pictures from our visit with Dave and Vicki (and Maui!!). They are in no particular order because I can't really figure out how to get blogger to do what I want it to to do.
In this picture I was teaching Vicki the "baby shark" song. Erik was proud, can't you tell? Why weren't we paying attention to the Luau?
Still not paying attention to the luau. And also after having enjoyed a little (free) livation.
At the "3 Bears" waterfall. I'd really like to tell you that the reason I'm not in it is because I'm taking it, but lets face facts folks. I'm not a hiker. I sat on the wall nearby reading by book. Dry and clean.
This is us at a beach on our island.
Vic was excited. And wet.
When in Rome (or in the Dole Pineapple Plantation) do as the pineapples do.
Mary likes leis.
Us chilling by a waterfall.
So work is going well. I'm through training and I'll be in my office (re: cubicle) tomorrow, all by my lonesome. I think I'll be okay though - today I was SUPER busy in another office, so I learned a LOT! For those of you who don't know, here's the breakdown of what I do: The state of Hawaii only allows cizens to be on "assistance" for 5 years. After 5 years you are done. No loop hole, no moving to another state, NOTHING, you are on your own. Well, in order to keep their assistance (and hopefully become self sufficient) the state has a program in which they partner with community business and agree to reiburse wages ($7.25/hour plus 50 cents for every dollar on top of that) in return for the employer hiring one of our clients (who may or may not be reliable/willing/experienced), with the idea that the employee will receive the training they need to do the job. That's where I come in. Basically I match the clients with the jobs they like and try to make them fit. If they don't fit, I find something else. If the employee won't work, I recommend that they get their benefits taken away. Basically I'm a social worker without a license, but technically I don't work for the state so I get paid better! ;) It's fun, but my GOD it's a lot of paperwork and record keeping. Luckily I'm crazy anal enough to almost enjoy that sort of thing.
So in a few days Erik and I take off for Massachusetts to see some folks and attend a wedding before d-day. I'm really looking forward to it. I miss having Dave and Vicki around! But truthfully I'm dreading watching Erik say goodbye to everyone. I hate goodbyes, even when they're not my own.
So do you watch the Houston Animal Cops? If you don't, don't start. If you do, you know our plight. We watch it A LOT and each time we look at eachother and say "I want another dog", and we found one online too - at the MAUI SPCA. Erik was FULLY ready to ferry to Maui and back on Saturday to "interview" him with Bax and go pick him up (his name is Harry, but I was pusshing to change it to Kevin) but when I emailed, he already had a home. :( You'd think we'd have learned our lesson of adopting from the SPCA the first time... Maybe instead of adopting another dog with only one "parent" home, we should just donate.
Oh! And now some pictures from our visit with Dave and Vicki (and Maui!!). They are in no particular order because I can't really figure out how to get blogger to do what I want it to to do.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I'll do better soon
I promise.
I have pictures from Thanksgiving and Maui to share! Hopefully before we take off for Mass in about 10 days.
Meanwhile, I'm a worker bee and I love my job. But I can tell it's going to be exhausting in a few respects.
I'm off to make the bed. I traded Erik for unloading and reloading the dishwasher, and I haven't finished my end of the bargain yet.
Until next time!
I have pictures from Thanksgiving and Maui to share! Hopefully before we take off for Mass in about 10 days.
Meanwhile, I'm a worker bee and I love my job. But I can tell it's going to be exhausting in a few respects.
I'm off to make the bed. I traded Erik for unloading and reloading the dishwasher, and I haven't finished my end of the bargain yet.
Until next time!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Dave and Vicki are here
and fun is being had, so my update won't be very long.
So we're heading off to the North Shore today. I think we're hitting Turtle Bay and the falls at Waiamea. Last night we had some friends over for dinner and the 6 if us played a game of Taboo! Even half blind Erik was able to give clues and help his team squeak into a second place victory (yes, there were only two teams. We played boys against girls.)
He seems to be doing pretty well. 2 days ago he was hurting, but the last two days he's gotten progressively better! Great news!!
OH! I can cross something off my list of things to get once I have a job, I got the bag I wanted! It was on a big sale when I went in to check on it, and I just had to have it. Erik was there, and rolled his eyes, but he knew it was a good deal too! I love new purse day!
Okay, gotta go get ready for the beach! (And the banana lava flows!!)
So we're heading off to the North Shore today. I think we're hitting Turtle Bay and the falls at Waiamea. Last night we had some friends over for dinner and the 6 if us played a game of Taboo! Even half blind Erik was able to give clues and help his team squeak into a second place victory (yes, there were only two teams. We played boys against girls.)
He seems to be doing pretty well. 2 days ago he was hurting, but the last two days he's gotten progressively better! Great news!!
OH! I can cross something off my list of things to get once I have a job, I got the bag I wanted! It was on a big sale when I went in to check on it, and I just had to have it. Erik was there, and rolled his eyes, but he knew it was a good deal too! I love new purse day!
Okay, gotta go get ready for the beach! (And the banana lava flows!!)
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
A funny thing happened on the way to the commissary
Goodwill called and offered me the job! It's conditional based on passing a drug screen and a background check, but that won't be a problem. I'm SO excited.
To celebrate, Melissa joined us for dinner at Itallian Deliciousness, Ichi did too, but he didn't bring me a congratulatory present like Melissa did so she got mentioned first! ;) Before that though, Erik and I had to go to PearlRidge Mall so he could get measured for a tux for a wedding he's in (we tried doing it ourselves... It was like the blind leading the blind). The she department at the store we were at was RIGHT there, and the sale rack called to me. I found 4 cute pairs of shoes at AAAAAMAZING prices! I can't wait to work, if not just so I can wear my new, cute heels!! I also got some new work clothes, and Erik got a ShopVac (we're all about compromise, you know).
So after I went to GW today to fill out some more paperwork, they told me I had to go get this pee test done. Okay, whatev. I get there, and there were SO many people in the waiting room there wasn't enough seats! I waited for an hour and a half (now, I had needed to go since before I got to GW, but I knew I'd have to take a test so I held it) I asked if there was a bathroom. Nope. No public bathroom. Without thinking I said "But I'm here to take a PEE test!" and she laughed and explained that the bathrooms are "special" and the people in there have to have a monitor watch them come in and out so they didn't leave their pee behind for someone else to use (like I care enough about helping a druggie friend - not that I have any - pass a pee test that I'd hang out in a hot room that smelled of body odor for an hour and a half, but maybe that's just me). So I asked what time they opened. 7AM. So I'm going tomorrow.
And with that I'm off to bed, I'm not feeling too great. My sinuses are still acting funny, and I swear, every bone in my face is throbbing.
Erik is still working on the table, pretty sure I'm getting high from the fumes (will that keep me from passing my blood test? ;) ) and tomorrow he's having his eye procedure done, so keep him in your thoughts (I'm so weird about eyes!).
To celebrate, Melissa joined us for dinner at Itallian Deliciousness, Ichi did too, but he didn't bring me a congratulatory present like Melissa did so she got mentioned first! ;) Before that though, Erik and I had to go to PearlRidge Mall so he could get measured for a tux for a wedding he's in (we tried doing it ourselves... It was like the blind leading the blind). The she department at the store we were at was RIGHT there, and the sale rack called to me. I found 4 cute pairs of shoes at AAAAAMAZING prices! I can't wait to work, if not just so I can wear my new, cute heels!! I also got some new work clothes, and Erik got a ShopVac (we're all about compromise, you know).
So after I went to GW today to fill out some more paperwork, they told me I had to go get this pee test done. Okay, whatev. I get there, and there were SO many people in the waiting room there wasn't enough seats! I waited for an hour and a half (now, I had needed to go since before I got to GW, but I knew I'd have to take a test so I held it) I asked if there was a bathroom. Nope. No public bathroom. Without thinking I said "But I'm here to take a PEE test!" and she laughed and explained that the bathrooms are "special" and the people in there have to have a monitor watch them come in and out so they didn't leave their pee behind for someone else to use (like I care enough about helping a druggie friend - not that I have any - pass a pee test that I'd hang out in a hot room that smelled of body odor for an hour and a half, but maybe that's just me). So I asked what time they opened. 7AM. So I'm going tomorrow.
And with that I'm off to bed, I'm not feeling too great. My sinuses are still acting funny, and I swear, every bone in my face is throbbing.
Erik is still working on the table, pretty sure I'm getting high from the fumes (will that keep me from passing my blood test? ;) ) and tomorrow he's having his eye procedure done, so keep him in your thoughts (I'm so weird about eyes!).
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Dear Reynoldo (the new cart-guy at WalMart in Kunia):
I want to thank you for finding and turning in my purse today. I'm sorry that I was lazy and didn't put my cart back into the cart holder. I swear I NEVER do that (infact it's one of my pet peeves!), but I'm not feeling very well today (allergies, you know) and after I loaded my bags into my trunk and fished out a throat losenge, I just couldn't be bothered to walk all the way over to the cart corral, so I pushed my cart (purse and all) over into a parking stall with a few other carts. I'm sure that makes your job harder, and I apologize. Imagine my fear when I got home (20 minutes later) and my purse was no where in sight. Perhaps if I had taken the time to go to the cart corral I would have noticed my purse was still in the basket.
So thank you again for finding and turning in my purse (and not stealing my identity). I tried to find you to thank you personally after I drove 100 MPH back to WalMart to fetch my bag (that I could only hope was there), but they told me you had already gone home.
Sheena and Sheena's credit score
So thank you again for finding and turning in my purse (and not stealing my identity). I tried to find you to thank you personally after I drove 100 MPH back to WalMart to fetch my bag (that I could only hope was there), but they told me you had already gone home.
Sheena and Sheena's credit score
Friday, August 29, 2008
Only Us...
Last night before Erik and I went to sleep we were talking about John McCains announcement today and it was agreed that when Erik woke up he would wake me up and we would turn on the news to find out who had won the "VeepStakes". At six when he woke me up we were both as excited as kids on Christmas (I called it by the way, while we were talking last night I said it would be Sarah Palin). As we we laid in bed watching CNN on the TV we swore we'd never put in our bedroom but I did anyway while he was gone, I thought "are we the only couple in America that is this nerdy?" Just then I got a text from my friend Garrett saying that Palin reminds him of me. I asked why, and he said "She's a take no prisoners kind of gal". I found that complimentary, even though you might not.
A few hours later I got up, made us some pancakes (from scratch, just like my grandma P's) and Erik got to work staining our amazing, but battered kitchen table. This table was in my step-dads mothers house, and her mothers house before that. My dad remembers this table from family dinners when he was a child and I love having it in our home - it's gorgeous. BUT it's moved from Nowata, OK to Enid, OK to Black River, NY to Lawton, OK to Kapolei, Hawaii and it's got a few spots to prove it. Of course, it doesn't help that there is no varnish on it, so if you give it so much as a dirty look it gets a mark. I've asked Erik to keep a few of the marks on the surface of the table (which is good, because I just found out they can't be covered anyway). There is a round mark in the center, where a hot soup pot was placed, and there is a burn mark on the side where (as I understand it) a kerosene lantern burned through the stain. I love it's history. Maybe I need to go take some pictures of Erik working on it.
Anyway, as I sat in the doorway into the garage watching him work I started thinking about how this is how life is supposed to be. But if we could leave out the separation part, I'd be even more happy.
Speaking of, we (Erik, Melissa and I) were talking and we decided that we should have early Thanksgiving for all of us together before the guys leave. We're all going to bring a dish from our own family's traditional Thanksgiving and I'm excited to see what everyone contributes, since we're all from VERY different parts of the country. It will be a great time!
And now, I have things to do. But not before sharing a recipe that I've been meaning to share for awhile - like since Erik's birthday. When I asked him what kind of cake he wanted, he responded with "something with lime and coconut". Because that's so easy to come by... So I found this recipe online and I thought I'd share it with you.
Sticky Lime and Coconut Cake
For the Cake:
1 1/2 sticks of butter, at room temperature
3/4 c. sugar (I used half as much Splenda)
Grated zest of 3 limes, washed and scrubbed
3 c. shredded dry coconut
6 eggs beaten
1 1/2 c. all-purpose flour
1 tsp. baking powder
For the Syrup:
1 c. sugar (again, half as much Splenda)
1/2 c. water
Juice of 4 limes
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Butter a 9 1/2 inch springform cake pan and line the bottom with parchment paper.
Put butter, sugar, and lime zest in a large mixing bowl and beat until light and fluffy. Add coconut and eggs to bowl and sift in flour and baking powder. Beat well for about 2 minutes until mixture is well combined. Add to cake pan and bake for about 50 minutes until the top is golden and the sides of the cake have shrunk slightly from the pan.
While the cake is baking, make the syrup. Place sugar and water in pan over medium heat and stir until sugar dissolves. Raise the heat, bring to a boil, then lower the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and add lime juice.
Remove the cake from the oven, but do not unmold. Pour the syrup over the hot cake and let stand for about 2 minutes. Remove from the pan on to a cake platter and let stand.
***Note: I did not use a springform pan I used to 2 loaf pans, and I have to say I think it works better. I just evenly distributed the batter, and the syrup over the tops. I would also like to note that I did get the cakes to take all the syrup but I don't think I'd use it all next time.
Also, I froze loaf #2 and took it out for dessert last night. It tastes exactly the same - delicious - after a month and a half in the freezer!
PS - Baxter has now learned to bark when we say John McCain and hide his face when we say Barrack Obama. It's funny.
A few hours later I got up, made us some pancakes (from scratch, just like my grandma P's) and Erik got to work staining our amazing, but battered kitchen table. This table was in my step-dads mothers house, and her mothers house before that. My dad remembers this table from family dinners when he was a child and I love having it in our home - it's gorgeous. BUT it's moved from Nowata, OK to Enid, OK to Black River, NY to Lawton, OK to Kapolei, Hawaii and it's got a few spots to prove it. Of course, it doesn't help that there is no varnish on it, so if you give it so much as a dirty look it gets a mark. I've asked Erik to keep a few of the marks on the surface of the table (which is good, because I just found out they can't be covered anyway). There is a round mark in the center, where a hot soup pot was placed, and there is a burn mark on the side where (as I understand it) a kerosene lantern burned through the stain. I love it's history. Maybe I need to go take some pictures of Erik working on it.
Anyway, as I sat in the doorway into the garage watching him work I started thinking about how this is how life is supposed to be. But if we could leave out the separation part, I'd be even more happy.
Speaking of, we (Erik, Melissa and I) were talking and we decided that we should have early Thanksgiving for all of us together before the guys leave. We're all going to bring a dish from our own family's traditional Thanksgiving and I'm excited to see what everyone contributes, since we're all from VERY different parts of the country. It will be a great time!
And now, I have things to do. But not before sharing a recipe that I've been meaning to share for awhile - like since Erik's birthday. When I asked him what kind of cake he wanted, he responded with "something with lime and coconut". Because that's so easy to come by... So I found this recipe online and I thought I'd share it with you.
Sticky Lime and Coconut Cake
For the Cake:
1 1/2 sticks of butter, at room temperature
3/4 c. sugar (I used half as much Splenda)
Grated zest of 3 limes, washed and scrubbed
3 c. shredded dry coconut
6 eggs beaten
1 1/2 c. all-purpose flour
1 tsp. baking powder
For the Syrup:
1 c. sugar (again, half as much Splenda)
1/2 c. water
Juice of 4 limes
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Butter a 9 1/2 inch springform cake pan and line the bottom with parchment paper.
Put butter, sugar, and lime zest in a large mixing bowl and beat until light and fluffy. Add coconut and eggs to bowl and sift in flour and baking powder. Beat well for about 2 minutes until mixture is well combined. Add to cake pan and bake for about 50 minutes until the top is golden and the sides of the cake have shrunk slightly from the pan.
While the cake is baking, make the syrup. Place sugar and water in pan over medium heat and stir until sugar dissolves. Raise the heat, bring to a boil, then lower the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and add lime juice.
Remove the cake from the oven, but do not unmold. Pour the syrup over the hot cake and let stand for about 2 minutes. Remove from the pan on to a cake platter and let stand.
***Note: I did not use a springform pan I used to 2 loaf pans, and I have to say I think it works better. I just evenly distributed the batter, and the syrup over the tops. I would also like to note that I did get the cakes to take all the syrup but I don't think I'd use it all next time.
Also, I froze loaf #2 and took it out for dessert last night. It tastes exactly the same - delicious - after a month and a half in the freezer!
PS - Baxter has now learned to bark when we say John McCain and hide his face when we say Barrack Obama. It's funny.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Just An Update
Well, Erik is coming home tonight - YAY! I'm pretty excited. It seems like he's been gone awhile (well, almost a month is awhile!). So I've been cleaning up around the house and cashing in on my last few days of single-dom (IE: reading a lot more than usual). I'm not sure why I feel like the house has to be clean when he comes home, he doesn't care and he just dirt-ies it up again, but I do. I think it's because when my dad would go out of town mom would always have the house clean when he came home because he hated coming home to a dirty house. Some things just stick with you, I guess.
Last night was the sign up for the all ranks spouses club on post, so I went and signed up with a friend. They offer groups you can sign up for (I did it to keep me busy while Erik is away) but as I'm typing this I've figured out that I don't get off until 8 and my book club starts at 7. Dang! Maybe I can work it to skip lunch that day and get off at 7 and just be late. Who knows... Crap! And I joined all these groups to keep busy while Erik is away! Anyway, I joined a wine group, a book club, and a game night club.
After the sign up, I went to the PX because I am almost out of perfume. I had every intention of buying a bottle of Chanel Chance (I swear I thought I already had and had stored it in my dresser drawer, but no dice), but when I smelled it again I thought it was kinda too old for me, I settled on Burberry after obsessing for about an hour, and when I got home I re-smelled my Chance arm and I wish I had gotten it! I sprayed so many different perfumes on myself that I had a pretty bad headache after sitting in the car with myself. HAHAHA!
Dave and Vicki will be here in about a week and a half - wer'e stoked! We're all going to Maui at the end of Erik's leave, and just before I start my job. I can't wait! Before that, though, is Erik's PRK. I'm NOT excited. I'm sure it will be fine, but I'm so weird about eyes. I don't want anyone touching mine, or his, or anyone elses for that matter!
Well I'm off to give Baxter a bath, take a shower and drive ALL THE WAY to Pearl City to take a shirt back to Macy's and buy Erik some beer. It seems that the only place that has Sam Adams Seasonal is Sams. Heh.
OH! Please check out this blog. And start paying attention to your pets toys. Thanks to Molly for the heads up!
Well, Erik is coming home tonight - YAY! I'm pretty excited. It seems like he's been gone awhile (well, almost a month is awhile!). So I've been cleaning up around the house and cashing in on my last few days of single-dom (IE: reading a lot more than usual). I'm not sure why I feel like the house has to be clean when he comes home, he doesn't care and he just dirt-ies it up again, but I do. I think it's because when my dad would go out of town mom would always have the house clean when he came home because he hated coming home to a dirty house. Some things just stick with you, I guess.
Last night was the sign up for the all ranks spouses club on post, so I went and signed up with a friend. They offer groups you can sign up for (I did it to keep me busy while Erik is away) but as I'm typing this I've figured out that I don't get off until 8 and my book club starts at 7. Dang! Maybe I can work it to skip lunch that day and get off at 7 and just be late. Who knows... Crap! And I joined all these groups to keep busy while Erik is away! Anyway, I joined a wine group, a book club, and a game night club.
After the sign up, I went to the PX because I am almost out of perfume. I had every intention of buying a bottle of Chanel Chance (I swear I thought I already had and had stored it in my dresser drawer, but no dice), but when I smelled it again I thought it was kinda too old for me, I settled on Burberry after obsessing for about an hour, and when I got home I re-smelled my Chance arm and I wish I had gotten it! I sprayed so many different perfumes on myself that I had a pretty bad headache after sitting in the car with myself. HAHAHA!
Dave and Vicki will be here in about a week and a half - wer'e stoked! We're all going to Maui at the end of Erik's leave, and just before I start my job. I can't wait! Before that, though, is Erik's PRK. I'm NOT excited. I'm sure it will be fine, but I'm so weird about eyes. I don't want anyone touching mine, or his, or anyone elses for that matter!
Well I'm off to give Baxter a bath, take a shower and drive ALL THE WAY to Pearl City to take a shirt back to Macy's and buy Erik some beer. It seems that the only place that has Sam Adams Seasonal is Sams. Heh.
OH! Please check out this blog. And start paying attention to your pets toys. Thanks to Molly for the heads up!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
So, Joe Biden
*Note, I have tried repeatedly to correct the format on the bottom few paragraphs. They will NOT correct and I'm too tired to fight with them.
is Obamas pick in the Veep-stakes (I can't help it, I like to say "veep"). It could have been worse. I think he's creepy looking though. Like, Bob Barker creepy. All I see when I look at this picture is the scene in Happy Gilmore when Adam Sandler gets in a fight with Bob Barker. "The price is WRONG" (edited because some people don't like the b*word, although I don't know what good it does to tell you what word I edited out...)
is Obamas pick in the Veep-stakes (I can't help it, I like to say "veep"). It could have been worse. I think he's creepy looking though. Like, Bob Barker creepy. All I see when I look at this picture is the scene in Happy Gilmore when Adam Sandler gets in a fight with Bob Barker. "The price is WRONG" (edited because some people don't like the b*word, although I don't know what good it does to tell you what word I edited out...)

Anyway, I'd really rather discuss Obamas method of announcement: A text message to his supporters. You might be thinking "How 21st century!", but I'm thinking "How American Idol". Admittedly, I considered putting my name on the list of "supporters" all in an effort to receive the news in a more timely mannor. I decided that knowing news faster wasn't worth my pride. ;) (Don't get all bent out of shape and flood my inbox with comments - it's all in good fun!)
I'll tell you, living in this time zone has its perks - I get late breaking news in my evening news that you mainlanders have to wait until morning for!
I'm off to bed, I have a terrible headache. I swear I don't drink enough water here.
Oh, and the bank offered me a job. I'm calling on Monday and accepting! YAY! Its not exactly what I want for the long term, but its something. And with Erik leaving sooner rather than later, I need *something* to keep me busy. My interview today with Goodwill went AMAZINGLY well (Seriously, there isn't a think I'd change about the entire - almost two hour - experience) but they're probably not going to make a decision for a few weeks and I couldn't risk losing the bank offer, even though they're looking for 3 people. I'll admit that I'm secretly hoping Goodwill will call me and make an offer I can't refuse. Thank you so much for your prayers and good thoughts! I REALLY appreciate them!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Whee! And an update.
Well, we have lots to cover tonight, so lets get started, shall we?
1. I texted Erik last night to tell him about the gecko. Let me just give you the exact wording.
2. I have another job interview on Friday! The bank is supposed to call on Thursday. :( I'm not sure what I'm going to say yet if they offer me the job, but I definitely want to interview for job #2.
3. Today I got an early morning phone call from a new friend who invited me to the beach! We went to Ko'Olina and had a lot of fun! She has a little boy who is 2 and he is better behaved than 10 year olds I know. I had a great time. The only issue is that (again) I forgot to take off my sungasses and I didn't spray my sunblock very well. I look like zebra girl.
4. The UPS man just came and brought me something from S R in Sunapee, NH. I was so excited, but couldn't figure out what it was. I got it open and it was a goodie box FULL of Ruger accessories! To include a PINK HAT (and a white hat!), and a few other colored hats! A bunch of ear plugs and stickers! OH! And a shirt! I'm pretty excited! I'm not sure where they came from - I have two ideas but everyone is fast asleep so I won't find out until tomorrow. Either way, I'm going to have the cutest hats on the gun range! PS - I looked all over the box for a name, I wasn't making that mistake twice! ;)
5. I took this quiz in Erik's Mens Health magazine the other day about if you have a terrible memory. The first time I took it, it said my there was a "hiccup" in my "hippocampus" and that I should see a doctor. I re-took it because I hadn't written down my answers before and maybe I forgot a point somewhere. That time I came up with just having moderate memory loss (I missed the terrible memory cut off by 1 point) and now I'm all worried about losing my memory. I remember many things from childhood very clearly. I remember people from my childhood very easily. But I could meet you tomorrow and you'll be a stranger by the end of the week. I guess I'll quit giving my mom trouble about being forgetful... Or I'll forget she ever was. *sigh* It doesn't help that I watched The Notebook 2 nights in a row and cried my face off both times. No, not cried my eyes out, cried my face OFF.
Its possible I have too much time on my hands...
1. I texted Erik last night to tell him about the gecko. Let me just give you the exact wording.
Sheena: I don't know when or if you'll get this, but I thought you'd like to know I just had to escort a gecko out of our home.
Erik: Why did you have to escort him? Was he pushing car insurance on you?
How does he come up with smart-ass comments so quickly? It's amazing really.2. I have another job interview on Friday! The bank is supposed to call on Thursday. :( I'm not sure what I'm going to say yet if they offer me the job, but I definitely want to interview for job #2.
3. Today I got an early morning phone call from a new friend who invited me to the beach! We went to Ko'Olina and had a lot of fun! She has a little boy who is 2 and he is better behaved than 10 year olds I know. I had a great time. The only issue is that (again) I forgot to take off my sungasses and I didn't spray my sunblock very well. I look like zebra girl.
4. The UPS man just came and brought me something from S R in Sunapee, NH. I was so excited, but couldn't figure out what it was. I got it open and it was a goodie box FULL of Ruger accessories! To include a PINK HAT (and a white hat!), and a few other colored hats! A bunch of ear plugs and stickers! OH! And a shirt! I'm pretty excited! I'm not sure where they came from - I have two ideas but everyone is fast asleep so I won't find out until tomorrow. Either way, I'm going to have the cutest hats on the gun range! PS - I looked all over the box for a name, I wasn't making that mistake twice! ;)
5. I took this quiz in Erik's Mens Health magazine the other day about if you have a terrible memory. The first time I took it, it said my there was a "hiccup" in my "hippocampus" and that I should see a doctor. I re-took it because I hadn't written down my answers before and maybe I forgot a point somewhere. That time I came up with just having moderate memory loss (I missed the terrible memory cut off by 1 point) and now I'm all worried about losing my memory. I remember many things from childhood very clearly. I remember people from my childhood very easily. But I could meet you tomorrow and you'll be a stranger by the end of the week. I guess I'll quit giving my mom trouble about being forgetful... Or I'll forget she ever was. *sigh* It doesn't help that I watched The Notebook 2 nights in a row and cried my face off both times. No, not cried my eyes out, cried my face OFF.
Its possible I have too much time on my hands...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
An Uninvited Guest
A few months ago (well, we still lived in Lawton, so I'd say 6 or 8 months ago) Erik came proudly into the bedroom as I was getting ready for work and announced that Baxter is a "ratter". It seems he and Erik had been outside taking out the trash when Erik moved a piece of cardboard and uncovered a mouse. Baxter chased it down, pawed at it, dismembered it and then barked at Erik as if to say "Okay dad, I got it!". I was seriously grossed out, but Erik was pleased. So Baxters a ratter. He pees himself when he's displeased with things, but he can chew up a rat. Whatever.
You know what he isn't? A gecko-er. This evening after dinner with Melissa and her family at a restaurant we have dubbed "Itallian Deliciousness" (because we didn't know it's name for so long) I was minding my business watching Jon and Kate Plus 8 on TiVo when I noticed a fleck of green on the wall between the book cases. It was a gecko. I don't know how it got in or when, but it was in and I was NOT pleased. Melissa had dealt with this problem already so I called her to find out what one does with a gecko in their home (why does this crap always happen when our husbands are away?!). So I moved out the bookcase, and he went behind the chair. I moved out the chair and we went toward the bookcase. So I got a tupperware and tried to catch him, all the while squealing like a little girl (I'm sure) so then he started going toward the door and I didn't know how to guide him so I started spraying at him with spider killer to make him go the other way (I tried not to hit him, just scare him into going out the door). Finally he took the hint (AFTER getting into the window sill and turning white to blend in with the blinds) and got next to the door so I was able to scoop him out with my tupperware lid. All the while Baxter just sat on the couch, I don't even know if he woke up to see what the hell was going on. And Melissa is laughing her butt off, of course.
I'm going to be extra cautious about leaving the screen door cracked, now. I suspect its the gecko that likes to hang out, upside down on the screen - but I don't have much to base that on.
So anyway, now I'm certain to have nightmares about geckos. Erik should get a kick out of that little story when he calls...
The job interview went well, they're interviewing 3 people and they have 2 slots so my chances are good. The job sounds fun, but its DEFINITELY not as laid back as City National, and that was part of what I loved about working there. At CNB I was allowed to pen my own correspondance if I so chose (which I often did) at BOH it is strictly against policy to write your own - infact, if you do, you have to have it approved by legal, marketing, and your supervisors supervisor. The real kicker though, is that as a policy no vacations are allowed in November or December. That means I couldn't go home for Christmas, and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I've done Christmas alone before, and it's not that great of a time. On the other hand, who am I to make a big deal about being here for Christmas when our soldiers are spending every other Christmas away from home. Wow, I just thought about that... Although I'd hate to be alone at Christmas, it could be worse...
Food for thought... Anyway, I'm off to bed.
You know what he isn't? A gecko-er. This evening after dinner with Melissa and her family at a restaurant we have dubbed "Itallian Deliciousness" (because we didn't know it's name for so long) I was minding my business watching Jon and Kate Plus 8 on TiVo when I noticed a fleck of green on the wall between the book cases. It was a gecko. I don't know how it got in or when, but it was in and I was NOT pleased. Melissa had dealt with this problem already so I called her to find out what one does with a gecko in their home (why does this crap always happen when our husbands are away?!). So I moved out the bookcase, and he went behind the chair. I moved out the chair and we went toward the bookcase. So I got a tupperware and tried to catch him, all the while squealing like a little girl (I'm sure) so then he started going toward the door and I didn't know how to guide him so I started spraying at him with spider killer to make him go the other way (I tried not to hit him, just scare him into going out the door). Finally he took the hint (AFTER getting into the window sill and turning white to blend in with the blinds) and got next to the door so I was able to scoop him out with my tupperware lid. All the while Baxter just sat on the couch, I don't even know if he woke up to see what the hell was going on. And Melissa is laughing her butt off, of course.
I'm going to be extra cautious about leaving the screen door cracked, now. I suspect its the gecko that likes to hang out, upside down on the screen - but I don't have much to base that on.
So anyway, now I'm certain to have nightmares about geckos. Erik should get a kick out of that little story when he calls...
The job interview went well, they're interviewing 3 people and they have 2 slots so my chances are good. The job sounds fun, but its DEFINITELY not as laid back as City National, and that was part of what I loved about working there. At CNB I was allowed to pen my own correspondance if I so chose (which I often did) at BOH it is strictly against policy to write your own - infact, if you do, you have to have it approved by legal, marketing, and your supervisors supervisor. The real kicker though, is that as a policy no vacations are allowed in November or December. That means I couldn't go home for Christmas, and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I've done Christmas alone before, and it's not that great of a time. On the other hand, who am I to make a big deal about being here for Christmas when our soldiers are spending every other Christmas away from home. Wow, I just thought about that... Although I'd hate to be alone at Christmas, it could be worse...
Food for thought... Anyway, I'm off to bed.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Tagged By Kelly
Eight Things: A Meme
8 things I am passionate about:
-My Beliefs
-My Marriage
-My Family
-My Friends
-Community/Political Activism
-Giving Back
-Supporting our Troops!
8 books I’ve read and enjoyed:
-The Other Boleyn Girl
-She's Come Undone
-Invisible Women
-SlaughterHouse Five
-Americas Women
-Two Little Girls in Blue (okay, well I listened - but it was still good!)
-Ladies of Liberty
-The Secret Lives of US Presidents
8 words/phrases that I say often:
-Ya know?
-I'm tired.
-Debit, please.
-I love you (too)
-Baxter! What did you do?!
-Need to go potty?
8 things I want to do before I die:
-Visit Italy
-Speak a foreign language.
-Find a job I truly love.
-Read every book I buy.
-Make a quilt. And learn to knit something that isn't a sloppy mess in the end.
-Learn that everything doesn't have to be perfect.
-Learn to forgive and forget.
-Take over the world.
8 things I’ve learned in my life:
-My parents knew what they were doing.
-Sometimes, you really shouldn't say whats on your mind.
-Not everyone who craps on you is your enemy, and not everyone who cleans you up is your friend. (A little droplet of genius from an old friend)
-A little prayin' never hurt anyone.
-Sometimes the people who love you the most hurt you the most.
-Being powerful is like being a lady, if you have to say you are, you aren't.
-Everything really does happen for a reason. And it will all work out in the end.
-Patience is a virtue I'll just never have.
8 places I want to see:
-Montreal (again)
-A lighthouse in Maine
-New York City (I know, I'm behind the curve)
-A stop on the underground railraod.
-The White House (probably the only PoliSci major in the history of the world whose never been to DC)
8 things I currently want/need:
-The white leather bag I've been eyeing at Coach. It calls to me.
-A plane ticket to go home for Christmas.
-A freakin' job!
-My husband to be home for awhile before he leaves.
-Fried pickles from Callahans.
-A really delicious glass of wine.
-To be in bed.
-A personal trainer
-A winning power ball card.
8 things I am passionate about:
-My Beliefs
-My Marriage
-My Family
-My Friends
-Community/Political Activism
-Giving Back
-Supporting our Troops!
8 books I’ve read and enjoyed:
-The Other Boleyn Girl
-She's Come Undone
-Invisible Women
-SlaughterHouse Five
-Americas Women
-Two Little Girls in Blue (okay, well I listened - but it was still good!)
-Ladies of Liberty
-The Secret Lives of US Presidents
8 words/phrases that I say often:
-Ya know?
-I'm tired.
-Debit, please.
-I love you (too)
-Baxter! What did you do?!
-Need to go potty?
8 things I want to do before I die:
-Visit Italy
-Speak a foreign language.
-Find a job I truly love.
-Read every book I buy.
-Make a quilt. And learn to knit something that isn't a sloppy mess in the end.
-Learn that everything doesn't have to be perfect.
-Learn to forgive and forget.
-Take over the world.
8 things I’ve learned in my life:
-My parents knew what they were doing.
-Sometimes, you really shouldn't say whats on your mind.
-Not everyone who craps on you is your enemy, and not everyone who cleans you up is your friend. (A little droplet of genius from an old friend)
-A little prayin' never hurt anyone.
-Sometimes the people who love you the most hurt you the most.
-Being powerful is like being a lady, if you have to say you are, you aren't.
-Everything really does happen for a reason. And it will all work out in the end.
-Patience is a virtue I'll just never have.
8 places I want to see:
-Montreal (again)
-A lighthouse in Maine
-New York City (I know, I'm behind the curve)
-A stop on the underground railraod.
-The White House (probably the only PoliSci major in the history of the world whose never been to DC)
8 things I currently want/need:
-The white leather bag I've been eyeing at Coach. It calls to me.
-A plane ticket to go home for Christmas.
-A freakin' job!
-My husband to be home for awhile before he leaves.
-Fried pickles from Callahans.
-A really delicious glass of wine.
-To be in bed.
-A personal trainer
-A winning power ball card.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Lazy Saturday
This is going to be the most boring blog in the history of bloggery. If I were you, I'd stop reading now.
So I've taken up scrapbooking. I was saving it until Erik left, but I was too bored not to start. I have avoided it for years because I'm so anal that I thought I'd spend too much time perfecting each page - turns out I was right. I worked for 6 hours last night and only got 3 pages done. I spent 4 hours on just one - a page dedicated to Erik's running of the Boston Marathon while at FOB Salerno in Afghanistan. I'll tell you what, buying the supplies here makes me miss Hobby Lobby, everything is half price at least once a month - I'd save TONS!
Here's a picture incase you're interested (of the Marathon, not of my scrapbook supplies).
I'm not sure what the heck he's doing pointing at someone, but... Anyway, I can't believe this was two years ago! For those of you who don't know, there is an (almost) two year age difference between Erik and I. As I was reading the article I cut from the newspaper before scrapping it I realized that Erik was only 23 when he left. It seems so odd to me that he was younger then than I am now. For some reason, he's always seemed so much older to me. Enough about that! God, I hate how this stupid deployment monopolizes my thoughts the way it does. I'm going to run off all my friends if I don't drop the Debbie Downer routine.
I have a job interview on Monday at the Bank of Hawaii. They have a tower HERE in town! I'm really crossing my fingers!
Well I'm off to go read my book. I keep saving my reading for bedtime, but I don't get very far before I fall asleep and I'm totally invested it - I need more! I'm reading "I KNOW THIS MUCH IS TRUE" by Wally Lamb (who also wrote SHE'S COME UNDONE - another AMAZING book!). I've read both of them a few times, but IKTMIT is so long that it's impossible for me to remember all the twists and turns the book takes.
So I've taken up scrapbooking. I was saving it until Erik left, but I was too bored not to start. I have avoided it for years because I'm so anal that I thought I'd spend too much time perfecting each page - turns out I was right. I worked for 6 hours last night and only got 3 pages done. I spent 4 hours on just one - a page dedicated to Erik's running of the Boston Marathon while at FOB Salerno in Afghanistan. I'll tell you what, buying the supplies here makes me miss Hobby Lobby, everything is half price at least once a month - I'd save TONS!
Here's a picture incase you're interested (of the Marathon, not of my scrapbook supplies).
I have a job interview on Monday at the Bank of Hawaii. They have a tower HERE in town! I'm really crossing my fingers!
Well I'm off to go read my book. I keep saving my reading for bedtime, but I don't get very far before I fall asleep and I'm totally invested it - I need more! I'm reading "I KNOW THIS MUCH IS TRUE" by Wally Lamb (who also wrote SHE'S COME UNDONE - another AMAZING book!). I've read both of them a few times, but IKTMIT is so long that it's impossible for me to remember all the twists and turns the book takes.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I don't mean to be whiny.
But I'm about to be whiny. It all stemmed from listening to Brad Paisley's "I Wish You'd Stay" on my IPOD about 16 times on the way home from Alexander "Hamilton" today. Blame Brad.
***I had a whole post whining about the deployment seeming to come faster and faster but I deleted it. A) Because it doesn't do me any good to whine, he's still going to have to leave, and B) because my husband doesn't need to know that I'm the whiny ass, when he's the one going to war.***
Melissa and I are becoming as bad as the boys. When we get together we always end up talking about deployment, just like when the boys are together they always end up talking Army. She and I should work on that. We said we would, but we didn't. Now I'm saying we should, because I can't stand much more thinking about the d-word. Especially while Erik is away. We still have time, so I can't conduct myself as if we don't. Myproblem is the coming home to an empty house and having too much time to myself. And laying awake at night because of the neighbors dog that likes to bark at 4-freakin-AM.
Speaking of dogs, you have to ride the bus to get from the pier to the transit center (where you park) and this guy gets on with a pit bull, and sits his stinky, two seat taking up behind next to me and lets his freakishly large and (I can only assume) agressive dog sniff all over me. I was ticked. Who brings a dog on a bus? And please don't lecture me about pit bulls being just as sweet as bunnies. I know people who've been attacked by pits, I don't know people who've been attacked by bunnies. And anyway, I thought pits were illegal in this state.
And more on dogs, Baxter has learned to "speak" when I say "John McCain!" and to hide his face when I say "Barack Obama"... It's hilarious. He did the (new) McCain thing on the phone for Erik tonight. It was fun. Also, if you didn't know, Obama is here for vacation. I must have seen 10 people in town today wearing t-shirts that said "Obama Ohana" (ohana means family in Hawaiian). I find that interesting since they were all white people... Just sayin'.
Oh. The alarm people came yesterday, so don't try to break into my house.
I'm going to bed. I have to be up early to catch the bus to ride the ferry to get to work by 8.
PS - For those of you praying up my job search, I thank you. I got a call today, a "phone screen" for a great job with Goodwill as a job retention coach. The screen went really well, please cross your fingers! :)
***I had a whole post whining about the deployment seeming to come faster and faster but I deleted it. A) Because it doesn't do me any good to whine, he's still going to have to leave, and B) because my husband doesn't need to know that I'm the whiny ass, when he's the one going to war.***
Melissa and I are becoming as bad as the boys. When we get together we always end up talking about deployment, just like when the boys are together they always end up talking Army. She and I should work on that. We said we would, but we didn't. Now I'm saying we should, because I can't stand much more thinking about the d-word. Especially while Erik is away. We still have time, so I can't conduct myself as if we don't. Myproblem is the coming home to an empty house and having too much time to myself. And laying awake at night because of the neighbors dog that likes to bark at 4-freakin-AM.
Speaking of dogs, you have to ride the bus to get from the pier to the transit center (where you park) and this guy gets on with a pit bull, and sits his stinky, two seat taking up behind next to me and lets his freakishly large and (I can only assume) agressive dog sniff all over me. I was ticked. Who brings a dog on a bus? And please don't lecture me about pit bulls being just as sweet as bunnies. I know people who've been attacked by pits, I don't know people who've been attacked by bunnies. And anyway, I thought pits were illegal in this state.
And more on dogs, Baxter has learned to "speak" when I say "John McCain!" and to hide his face when I say "Barack Obama"... It's hilarious. He did the (new) McCain thing on the phone for Erik tonight. It was fun. Also, if you didn't know, Obama is here for vacation. I must have seen 10 people in town today wearing t-shirts that said "Obama Ohana" (ohana means family in Hawaiian). I find that interesting since they were all white people... Just sayin'.
Oh. The alarm people came yesterday, so don't try to break into my house.
I'm going to bed. I have to be up early to catch the bus to ride the ferry to get to work by 8.
PS - For those of you praying up my job search, I thank you. I got a call today, a "phone screen" for a great job with Goodwill as a job retention coach. The screen went really well, please cross your fingers! :)
Saturday, August 9, 2008
If Heaven Was A Town, It Would Be My Town
So there I was, minding my own business on the ferry at 6:30AM, rocking out to Song Of The South by Alabama (on my IPOD, of course) when I get a text from my friend Garrett telling me to call him when I got the chance. I did. We talked the whole ferry ride, just catching up on life, gossiping (we're 14 year old girls), and of course talking about politics. (GK was my VP in SGA. Got it? - Garrett was my Vice President in Student Government.) During said convorsation I get a text from my old roommate Patty about our friend Katie's birthday celebration at the local bar, Cowboys. And that's when I really started to miss my Weatherford family. It's nice to know though, that in the middle of life, one phone call can make you feel like not even a day has passed since we all went our separate ways (er, I went my way, I guess. Since I was the first to leave.).
I miss them. My life wouldn't be what it was without them. Heck, I wouldn't be who I am without them.
No matter where I'm at
I can't pretend
I've found something better than where I've been
Cause where I'm from
Is who I am
And no matter how far that I run
I keep coming back
Okay, enough of that weapy crap, none of them even read this (to my knowledge anyway). And plus, I have other news to report. Lets get started, shall we?
1. I could not be more disappointed in you John Edwards. Seriously. Your wife has CANCER. Get control of yourself, would ya? Jeeesus.
2. I made it through the ferry ride without getting sick this morning. But I also took Dramamine and rubbed my nausea cream on my wrist (the stuff I got from the kooky doctor when I had the flu), and of course I was distracted by babbling on the phone. I curled my hair so that if I did get sick they'd think I was a different person and not the girl from yesterday who was idiot enough to come back for round two.
3. The company I was working for in Honolulu is called Alexander Baldwin. I had a nice time there, everyone was very sweet. There wasn't a lot to do, so I was allowed to read my book as long as I did it on the sly. Anyway, I kept wanting to say "Alexander Hamilton" when I answered the phone. I made the joke to one person and she was like "Is that a company on the mainland?" and I was like "Oh... No... ?" trying to play it off. Well, somehow this Alexander Hamilton business came up twice more of the course of my two days there and not a single person knew who the heck he was! I should go back on Monday with a freakin' $10 bill. Helllllooooo, FOUNDING FATHER! If anything, shouldn't they remember the "Got Milk?" commerical from a few years ago where the guy puts a whole wad of peanut butter in his mouth while listening to the radio. The announcer says (something like) "For $1million, who killed Alexander Hamilton? Lets to go our random caller!" And the PB-eaters phone rings and he's got all that PB in his mouth so all he can says is "AAawnn Vrrrr" (Aaron Burr). Geez, Erik and Garrett both thought of that too. Funny how I surround myself people as strange as I...
4. My dad (David, not Charlie) is an excellent cook (although Charlie isn't bad either!). He used to make these delicious Salmon patties. I tried tonight and failed. Miserably. I couldn't remember the recipe so I looked online and nothing looked right so I just started throwing crap into a bowl. Then I decided to take out one patty. Then I threw some more crap in, and took out a couple more patties. Then I did something to the last one, I don't remember what. Then I dipped one in cornmeal, another was coated in crushed saltines, one just got thrown in the skillet naked and that fourth one just isn't really registering in my memory at all. Anyway, I burned them because I'm not used to trying to fry things. And they mostly tasted like crap. Fishy crap, actually. I told Erik to be glad he missed that one. He's pretty good about eating whatever I put in front of him, but I'm also not brave enough to try to make things by myself if I have to feed it to others. So anyway, I took a bite of each and just decided to eat the can of corn I'd made as a side dish. My hands reek of Salmon now.
5. Speaking of Salmons. Melissa and I are going on an excursion to Aiea tomorrow. Fun will be had.
I'm going to bed. Good night all!
I miss them. My life wouldn't be what it was without them. Heck, I wouldn't be who I am without them.
No matter where I'm at
I can't pretend
I've found something better than where I've been
Cause where I'm from
Is who I am
And no matter how far that I run
I keep coming back
Okay, enough of that weapy crap, none of them even read this (to my knowledge anyway). And plus, I have other news to report. Lets get started, shall we?
1. I could not be more disappointed in you John Edwards. Seriously. Your wife has CANCER. Get control of yourself, would ya? Jeeesus.
2. I made it through the ferry ride without getting sick this morning. But I also took Dramamine and rubbed my nausea cream on my wrist (the stuff I got from the kooky doctor when I had the flu), and of course I was distracted by babbling on the phone. I curled my hair so that if I did get sick they'd think I was a different person and not the girl from yesterday who was idiot enough to come back for round two.
3. The company I was working for in Honolulu is called Alexander Baldwin. I had a nice time there, everyone was very sweet. There wasn't a lot to do, so I was allowed to read my book as long as I did it on the sly. Anyway, I kept wanting to say "Alexander Hamilton" when I answered the phone. I made the joke to one person and she was like "Is that a company on the mainland?" and I was like "Oh... No... ?" trying to play it off. Well, somehow this Alexander Hamilton business came up twice more of the course of my two days there and not a single person knew who the heck he was! I should go back on Monday with a freakin' $10 bill. Helllllooooo, FOUNDING FATHER! If anything, shouldn't they remember the "Got Milk?" commerical from a few years ago where the guy puts a whole wad of peanut butter in his mouth while listening to the radio. The announcer says (something like) "For $1million, who killed Alexander Hamilton? Lets to go our random caller!" And the PB-eaters phone rings and he's got all that PB in his mouth so all he can says is "AAawnn Vrrrr" (Aaron Burr). Geez, Erik and Garrett both thought of that too. Funny how I surround myself people as strange as I...
4. My dad (David, not Charlie) is an excellent cook (although Charlie isn't bad either!). He used to make these delicious Salmon patties. I tried tonight and failed. Miserably. I couldn't remember the recipe so I looked online and nothing looked right so I just started throwing crap into a bowl. Then I decided to take out one patty. Then I threw some more crap in, and took out a couple more patties. Then I did something to the last one, I don't remember what. Then I dipped one in cornmeal, another was coated in crushed saltines, one just got thrown in the skillet naked and that fourth one just isn't really registering in my memory at all. Anyway, I burned them because I'm not used to trying to fry things. And they mostly tasted like crap. Fishy crap, actually. I told Erik to be glad he missed that one. He's pretty good about eating whatever I put in front of him, but I'm also not brave enough to try to make things by myself if I have to feed it to others. So anyway, I took a bite of each and just decided to eat the can of corn I'd made as a side dish. My hands reek of Salmon now.
5. Speaking of Salmons. Melissa and I are going on an excursion to Aiea tomorrow. Fun will be had.
I'm going to bed. Good night all!
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