Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I am such a bad blogger that I went to leave a comment on someone elses blog and I had to work to figure out my password and user name! I promise once this moving debacle is behind us I'll do better...

So the movers came last week to pick up our 950lb "forward baggage". We planned to send ahead the things we thought we'd need (half our kitchen stuff, Aerobed, guest room TV, etc) and some furntiure. We were conservative in our collection of "everyday" things so we'd have pounds left in our shipment for the furniture. Guess what - can't send furniture. Of course no one bothered to share that with us until the movers got here and by then it was too late to collect more "stuff" to send ahead (because why not use up all 950 pounds?). My question to you is this: Who has so much "stuff" that they could fill up a 950 pound shipment WITHOUT furniture? Not us, that's for sure.