Monday, May 26, 2008

All Gave Some, Some Gave All

Well it's Memorial Day and on days like today I just can't keep from being on the verge of tears.

Perhaps its because we're on the cusp of another deployment, but I just can't get my head on straight. There is a list of names that run through my head on days like today, people I know, or know of that didn't get to come home and I hate that for some people, today is just a day off of work.

Tomorrow, the girls and I are heading to the Ala Moana Beach Park for a lantern floating in memory of those lost at war, and since the boys are all away on the Big Island I'm sure we'll be a little weapy-er than if they were with us. The website says to expect 30,000+ people so we're going early to make sure we can get a lantern honoring Jared Monti. I'm sure I'll post some pictures later.

In the meantime, everyone enjoy your Memorial Day and remember it's more than days off and cookouts, all those lost were somebody to someone.

To the world he was a total stranger
Who kept us safe and out of danger
But now he's just a picture on TV
Somebody's memory

He was somebody's someone, a neighbor, a husband
A brother, a father, and a mother's only son
He was an uncle, a cousin, somebody's best friend
And I'm sure at times a shoulder to lean on

He was somebody's someone


  1. Sheena, thanks for sending it to my email. You are so smart! I like the idea of the story of a girl from OK, etc. What a cute pic of you & the Capt.! You look like you hav lost weight. Where was the pic taken.

    Poor Baxter. .. I think Erik enjoys drowning him,... I call these pics "Erik preparing puppy for Tsunami". Love, Mom

  2. It was taken last summer, I was "smaller" then. Boo.

    Do you even check these comments when I reply?
