Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Couldn't Have Said It Better...

First, a preface (or two).

1)I didn't write this, my friend Jessica did. I did a little editing and removed some names, that's it.
2)Because the theory isn't mine, it is in no way based on anyone I know. And I'm not directing this at anyone either, I just thought it was brilliant and pretty applicable to my own life, in this moment anyway.

"I came to the conclusion last night that some women view a deployment as a 6/12/15 month-long event. It affects their every thought, decision, movement and mood. They're looking at the world through deployment-colored glasses and everything they see or do is tinged with the fact that they're currently in the middle of this 'event'. By definition, with an event comes expectations. You prepare yourself for the event and when it gets here you totally have expectations for how it's going to pan out and it generally consumes your every thought. I don't see Luke's deployment as an event, in fact its an non-event. Believe me, it's not like I can forget that he's gone, but I certainly don't let it affect every little thing I do. I am my own person, independent of his deployment, and I refuse to let my world stop because of it. I know that a lot of women feel guilty, like maybe they don't love their husbands enough if they don't cry all the time or spaz out at every little thing. I don't feel that way at all."


  1. I liked this! I always felt like certain people were judging me last deployment because I wasn't in tears everytime I talked to them or was around them. Life goes on, it has to or you will go mad!

    Thanks for the prayers Sheena! How much longer will Erik be gone? Are you guys in HI for awhile?

  2. Sheena~
    I enjoyed reading this. I was very surprised and almost hurt when people saw me during Rich's R&R party we is almost like they were so surprised that I seemed to be doing great and the house wasn't in shambles and I had prepared the party all my own.

    Anyways, I am glad that things are winding to an end for you!

  3. All I can say is AMEN! I don't get some people who just cannot function without their husband.

  4. LOVE this!! Yes, life does go on and it is ok if you *shocker* find a way to enjoy yourself while he is gone!
