Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Maybe it's me.

Maybe I'm reading too much in to this but I HATE it when I see people write "Your husband is a lucky/blessed man" on pictures women post of themselves on Facebook. And not because I hate "The Selfie" but because I just can't seem to figure why those who post these things think that how someone looks is the only thing that could possibly make her valuable to a partner.

Am I reasonably intelligent and easy to talk to? Yes.

Am I financially responsible? Yes.

Have I prayed and faithfully waited throughout 3 deployments and an innumerable number of separations? Yes.

Have I successfully pusged out two (NINE AND A HALF POUND) children? Yes. And might I add that had this been 100 years ago, I almost certainly would have died having Grant, so I would like to think this makes Erik doubly lucky.

Did I gracefully accept the fact that he had to leave me in the hospital 36 hours after having our first child to catch a flight to California for training that was absolutely ridiculous and unnecessary? Yep. I did that too.

Am I a good enough sport to pack up myself and my family 5x in about 6 years and move to places I've never been? TWICE without any help from my partner? Why yes, yes I am.

But am I skinny or exceptionally beautiful? No. So to my knowledge, no one is lining up to tell my husband how lucky he is that I don't piss away our money or leave him when he has to hang out in Afghanistan for 16 months at a time. Well, that's a lie. The getting left in the hospital garnered at least one "You're wife is HARD!" that I know of. But that's it.

I'm just sayin', there's more to a marriage and more to the level of blessing a wife can be to her husband than how she looks. And I hope all the "ordinary girls" out there realize that.

Ordinary Wife, with an apparently unlucky husband, signing off.

1 comment:

  1. I love what you are saying here. I totally refute the continuing idea that women are only as valuable as their beauty. I also like how you take what seems to be a positive compliment and uncover the fault in it. It is a unique and an incredibly effective way to get you point across.
