Friday, January 16, 2009

What Do They Know That I Don't?

The weather forecast says that we are in for 40-50MPH winds with gusts possibly up to 60MPH - this is for the whole state, which is strage. Most northfacing beaches are closed because of possible 35 foot swells. I "shore" would like to see that! (Get the pun? C'mon!). Anyway, the wind is blowing and aparently that has signaled the end of the world. Schools are closed, state offices are closed, and most importantly I was forced into a day off. OH DANG! The pisser is that they didn't say "Oh we aren't opening the GW offices tomorrow, have the day off - on us!" they said "We aren't opening the GW offices tomorrow and this has to come out of your personal leave"! Ridiculous. When I questioned my supervisor on this, she said she'd give me unpaid time off when Erik is home on R&R (since I had my PL counted to the hour for our island hopping adventure) to make up for the day of travels we might have lost if she didn't approve it (actually she said she'd give me as much as I wanted). Which did make me feel better, but this is not a day off of my choosing - and I would just as soon choose to get paid and not penalized. I know it's not her fault though, so I didn't go into it further.

And what the heck anyway, Hawaii? The wind blows 40MPH and you close up shop? You don't even KNOW wind until you've trekked across the SWOSU campus, into the wind, when it's blowing 40MPH IN YOUR FACE - which I'm pretty sure was about every other day, by the way. I'm pretty sure you're just disappointed that most of the mainland is on snow day every other day and you wanted a piece of that pie! And fine, I'll take my slice too! Being off Friday for weather and Monday for MLK day gives me a 4 day weekend! Whoo!!

And speaking of pie, I have started watching my carbs. I'm following the South Beach plan for the first 2 weeks so that I can break my "addiction" (because thats what it is, supporting evidence to follow) to carbs and then we'll see where it goes. It's not really for the sake of loosing weight (although I am, and that's exciting) it's because every one I know that is low-carb has SO much energy and always feels great. I want to be like that! So I'm trying it. So in the first two weeks you can basically have no bread, pasta, sugar, or anything delicious whatsoever. But you can have cheese and eggs (and a few other, less sucky things). Whooo.... Anyway, I told you all that to tell you about this - I had a dream the other night that I was eating a roll. A roll that I stole from a bake sale because I couldn't take the low carbing any more. Now I don't know why I didn't just go buy the roll, it's not like the entire universe knows I'm low-carbing (well, until I press "Publish Blog" anyway) but I distinctly remember stealthily stealing the roll and then buttering it and thinking "You're going to be delicious!". If that's not evidence of an addiction to carbs, I don't know what is. Of course, it doesn't help that in the book I'm reading the guy works part time at a bakery and they talk about all his delicious confections.

Okay, that's all I've got for now.

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