Saturday, April 9, 2016

Month of the Military Child

Every month is the month of something, and if I'm honest, I think it's kind of overkill. BUT... This month is the month of the Military Child and of course, I can get behind that. Since I'm mostly writing this for my own "military" children, obviously.

I saw this online the other day and I've printed it for the notebooks I keep for them (note to self, it's time to start one for N, slacker!) and I wanted to share it too. It's so beautiful! I can't credit it with certainty, but I pulled it from the Chameleon Kids FB page. I hope in 20 years, this is exactly how my babies feel.

I hope my children will grow-up to know:
They lived a life like no other.

It was hard,
But there was adventure,

There was sacrifice,
But there was beauty.

For now, I want to help them focus on, 
how challenge can help them grow,
Not how it will beat them down.

Then one day, 
when someone asks them where they grew up,
they'll be able to say:
My home? It was everywhere.

I was a military kid. 
It wasn't always easy,
But I wouldn't have wanted it any other way

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