Monday, April 25, 2016


85% of my day is spent holding a baby or listening to said baby cry. The last 15% is reserved for when the baby sleeps, which, as far as infants go, is NOT very often. And when he does sleep, it's short lived because of his sister wanting to kiss on him or his brother's ridiculously hectic schedule of school and soccer. (Okay, that doesn't sound like much, but seriously, all I do is drive that kid places! And letting full day school out at 2:30 craps on everyone's afternoon, Georgia!)

Anyway, I don't mind holding him, as I'm really trying to soak up his baby-hood since we're pretty sure he'll be the last baby, but sometimes things have to get done and that usually involves him wailing. Not just fussing. Freaking the hell out. Which makes my milk let down and cause what I can only describe as mild to moderate electric shocks you-know-where. Lovely, huh? This is also the time in which one or both of my other children decide to have in-depth conversations with me and/or attempt to tear each other limb from limb.

Imagine my surprise when I laid him down this afternoon after picking up G, clicked on a show for the big kids (I admit it!) and sat down at the computer to organize photos off my camera - with ZERO argument from the baby. In fact, he's been playing quietly for the better part of an hour. And by "playing quietly" I mean desperately wishing he could crawl toward the toys instead of rolling and stretching and rolling and stretching.

I kind of wish I had chosen something more exciting to fill this time with besides file organizing.

Erik is gone for awhile and I have an ongoing list of honey do's for myself. Isn't that cute? That I think I'll get MORE done because my husband is gone? Riiiiight.

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