Sunday, December 8, 2013


I'm pretty far behind.

My mom was here last week, and I've said before that it's hard to get time on the actual computer when Erik is doing his coursework. I just can't stand to try to type more than a paragraph on my tablet.

So anyway, a few weeks before Thanksgiving, we sat down in the entry way of our house (where we do all projects that need to be done while Piper is sleeping - like pumpkin decorating) and wrote out the things that we're thankful for.

There were the obvious ones: A warm house, a good job, Mom, Dad, Pipes, Grant, Grandparents; but there were also some unexpected ones: clouds, these leaves (in reference to the leaves I had cut out of construction paper that we were using to write our gratitude on) and ambulances.

We then hung the leaves on a ribbon and hung it up in the dining room to remind us of everything we have to be so thankful for. I think G was a little too small to really pick up on the activity but it was a good exercise for Erik and myself if nothing else. We have so much to be grateful for, all year 'round.

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