Monday, March 19, 2018

Cold AF.

It has been bitterly cold here this week. I know, I know, I don't know from cold living here in South Georgia, I get it. But it has been cold for us, with a really biting wind. And spring soccer has already started, so that should indicate to you that we're supposed to be experiencing springtime weather, and not winter-ish (for Georgia) weather. Seriously, its colder today than any random day in November.

Anyway, it's been cold this week. And we were supposed to have soccer practice on Monday and I wondered if they'd cancel it. I even thought that if I had a small infant, I would have bowed out. I didn't really want to get out in the cold and I REALLY hate having to help everyone into their dadgum shin-guards, but I decided we were going to bundle up and get on out there. Because it's that or sit at home and sitting at home with three children is pretty hard in itself.

I had all this internal conversation with myself during lunch, and then around 2, the (dreaded) group texts for the soccer team starts buzzing with "Are we having practice? It's so cold and so windy!" and the coaches were all like "Yeah, the Youth Sports Office hasn't cancelled practices, so I'm planning to be there." And tons of parents were like "Nah, we're going to stay in. I don't want my kids face to get chapped by this wind." and "It's flu season, after all!" Okkkayyy. (Do people know how the flu is transmitted? Is that why it's been such a problem this year?!) But I stood my ground if I leave my kids with ANYTHING after I'm gone it's the idea that WE DO HARD THINGS. I said "We'll be there!"

(((Have I mentioned to you that somehow, someway, JESUS TOOK THE WHEEL OF MY LIFE AND BOTH MY KIDS HAVE SOCCER PRACTICES AT THE SAME TIME ON THE SAME DAY? Because that, my friends, is news worth sharing.)))

So the time came and I layered on the clothes, bundled everyone up in their least constricting jackets, and we set out on our walk to the soccer field.

(((Have I also mentioned that my VERY FAVORITE THING ABOUT LIVING ON AN ARMY POST IS WALKING EVERYWHERE?! I have a hate-hate relationship with car seats.)))

So we get there, the kids practice, Cubby and I shiver. And NOT ONE CHILD COMPLAINS. I was so ready with my speech about how in our family WE DO HARD THINGS and I didn't even get to bust it out.

Do they already know WE DO HARD THINGS? Have I driven the point home well enough already that I can just go ahead and check out of parenting? I admit to being pretty disappointed, but I'm sure there will be plenty of other opportunities to force my kids to do something they don't want to do by citing my little mantra.

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