Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Just Another Day in Paradise

Ten years ago two little, married for 9 months, babies got on a plane and moved to Hawaii.

They lived in a hotel for a month without killing each other or accidentally getting pregnant.

They rented a huge house that was way bigger than they needed, but was often full of guests. (Interestingly, I just googled it to see if our asshole landlords still owned it - they don't - and the listing shows it to be 300sq feet smaller than the house we have now. That seems so painfully small.)

They figured out life past the newlywed/just-came-home-from-a-sixteen-month-deployment phase.

They left their windows open 363 days a year (save for 4th of July and New Years).

They learned to live on one income for awhile because no one in Hawaii wants to hire white girls.

One of us learned to cook...

They began to hate tourists and love driving in 5 lanes of traffic.

They walked through a second deployment together.

They traveled. Especially to Maui.

They fought.

They loved.

They grew up.

They became parents together in but an instant.

They went through another deployment.

The lived.

Oh, did they ever live.

They wished it wasn't so, but they moved away.

Our first picture as island dwellers!
It's hard to believe we were ever those babies. No bills. No kids. No nothing but each other and a dog.

We sure have come a long way.

I long for those days sometimes. Of solitude and napping on rainy days with the windows open. Of going to the beach with nothing but a book early on Saturday mornings. Of Sunday night dinners at a favorite Italian restaurant followed by coffees at Starbucks. Of impromptu weekend trips to Maui or the Big Island. But if I'm honest, these days are pretty great too.

After all, isn't every single day Just Another Day in Paradise when you're together?


1 comment:

  1. I think it is so cool that you were able to live in Hawaii...I will get there someday!
